Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (2024)


The global climate change issue has raised serious questions about the potential for changes in weather extremes (Easterling et al. 1999), and recent studies using historical data have addressed this issue (Karl et al. 1996; Karl and Knight 1998; Kunkel et al. 1999). Critical to such studies is the availability of long historical records free from errors caused by poor observations or other factors affecting the local climates of weather stations, making them unrepresentative of surrounding regional climate conditions.

One weather extreme of considerable interest is thunderstorms, producers of many forms of severe weather including tornadoes, hail, high winds, and heavy rains. One study of historical fluctuations in thunder-day activity in the United States during 1901–80 used data from 57 first-order stations (Gabriel and Changnon 1989). However, most recent studies of the climatic behavior of thunderstorms in the United States have focused on their spatial distributions (Court and Griffiths 1981; Changery 1981; Easterling and Robinson 1985; Changnon 1988a), and not on their temporal fluctuations. A historical analysis of thunderstorm activity in the United States must rely on first-order station (FOS) data, and the question facing such studies concerns the quality of the data.

Data for various atmospheric phenomena such as hail, sleet, and thunderstorms collected at official first-order weather stations staffed by trained observers 24 h per day are generally assumed to be of high quality and not to be subject to errors affecting efforts to assess their long-term temporal fluctuations. Instructions to observers at first-order stations (Weather Bureau 1951) state that measurements of thunderstorms, tornadoes, funnel clouds, and all forms of precipitation are to be taken without the use of instrumentation. The measurements of all these phenomena, except for thunderstorms, are based on visual observations of the conditions occurring at the weather station. However, thunder activity is based on hearing thunder, or when noise levels are high, thunder can be recorded if hail and overhead lightning occur in a 15-min period when no thunder is heard (Weather Bureau 1957). Audibility of a sound is affected by atmospheric conditions, noises, barriers between the source of the sound and listener, and the listener’s hearing quality.

The nature of detecting thunderstorm occurrences based on audibility has the potential for inconsistent record keeping. Since 1947, records were kept at FOS of the time when thunder was first heard and the time 15 min after the last peal of thunder, and each such period was defined as a “thunder event” (Changery 1981). A thunder event can and often does occur more than once a day. The average number of events per thunder day is 1.6 at points in the central United States, diminishing to 1.1 on the West Coast and to 1.4 on the East Coast (Changnon 1988b).

The recording of a thunder day at first-order stations of the National Weather Service has been done since the 1870s. Beginning in 1894, a day with thunder was one when one or more distinct peals of thunder were heard, but before 1894 a thunder day was recorded only when it was accompanied by rain, and this shift is a major discontinuity in the records. Hence, a day when thunder was heard at a first-order station has been defined as a “thunder day” since 1894 (Weather Bureau 1951), and these data serve as the only long-term records of thunderstorm activity in the United States. Volunteer observers at cooperative substations have also been asked to record a thunder day when they heard thunder, but this was a voluntary endeavor and not all observers have kept records of thunder occurrences.

The thunder data from both types of stations need to be evaluated for their accuracy. A procedure for evaluating cooperative substation records of thunder-day data has been devised, tested, and found useful for detecting periods with quality substation values (Changnon 1967). This paper describes an assessment of the quality of the historical thunder-day data collected at 130 FOS in the contiguous United States with long records covering all or most of the 1896–1995 period.

Data assessment

The nature of recording thunder incidences raises immediate questions about potential changes in audibility over time. New buildings for station offices, the installation of air conditioning (and closing of windows in summer), construction of structures surrounding the station, and altered noise levels due to local aircraft operations can all affect the hearing of thunder. Audibility can also be altered (enhanced or reduced) by relocating a weather station from the city center to a rural airport (Court and Griffiths 1981). Most stations were moved from in-city sites to the local airport during the 1930s or 1940s, and many have undergone other subsequent moves to another airport or a different locale on existing airport property. Another factor that can influence the continuity of local thunder records relates to a station being relocated in a region of sharp gradients in storm activity such as are found in coastal or mountainous locations. A third factor affecting the continuity of thunder records is the shift in storm activity relating to local urban influences on the atmosphere. Several studies have found increased storm activity in or just downwind of large cities (Landsberg 1956; Changnon 1973). A fourth factor relates to the advent and growth of commercial aviation. This activity caused FOS to be moved from in the city to the airport, and commercial pilots have since provided reports to observers (“Pireps”) of local thunderstorms at or near the airport (Weather Bureau 1951). Some weather observers have informally indicated that these pilot reports were used by some observers at first-order stations to record a thunder day. However, this behavior is undocumented, and the extent of this activity and its effect on the records are unknown.

A five-step procedure for assessing the potential data problems at first-order stations was developed. This led to identification of stations with likely thunder data problems. The records of these stations can be eliminated from use in studies attempting to define long-term fluctuations in storm activity due to broad-scale regional climatic conditions. Each of the factors affecting thunder reporting was explored as a basis for developing an approach for evaluating the historic data.

Audibility problems

It is certain that changes in audibility due to varying atmospheric conditions have an affect on the number of thunderstorms heard at a location during any given month or year. The audibility of thunder has been set at various distances. Fleagle (1949) concluded that thunder seldom could be heard beyond 24 km. Brooks (1925) gave a maximum distance of 16–19 km under “the most favorable atmospheric conditions.” In a massive study of thunderstorms, Byers and Braham (1949) indicated that the typical distance for thunder audibility was 12–18 km. These distances, varying from 8 to 24 km, reveal that varying atmospheric conditions allow the sound of thunder to be heard over widely different distances. Thus, on some days when more distant thunderstorms occurred, their occurrence has undoubtedly been missed. For example, on a given afternoon, atmospheric conditions could limit transmission of the sound of thunder to 8 km, and actual thunderstorms that were 10–12 km away at their closest position to the station would go unreported.

The atmosphere affects the propagation of sound in several ways—included are temperature levels, inversions, sharp horizontal gradients, turbulent eddies, humidity levels, and the density of the atmosphere. The reported audibility differences for thunder result from variations in the atmospheric conditions that vary randomly over both time and space, and thus do not produce a systematic temporal difference at any one place (weather station). However, the relocation of a weather station to a different site with different surrounding structures or physiographic features, or the development of major structural changes at a station site, could alter the “local” audibility. Regardless, the uncertainty over atmospheric audibility means that the historical frequency of thunder days measured anywhere is an underestimate of the true regional frequency at a station. These underestimates have been assessed using lightning data (Changnon 1993).

Various localized conditions and station shifts can act to affect the audibility and thus recording of a thunder day, and there are four primary factors. First are actions that are nonatmospheric and that could affect the audibility of thunder and thus influence the local records of thunder days over time. These include local noise from aircraft operations since the 1940s, which is suspected to limit audibility at stations located near busy airports (Court and Griffiths 1981). Another shift that potentially has reduced audibility includes the advent of air conditioning at weather stations during the 1950s–60s, and the resulting closure of office windows in summer (the prime season for thunderstorms) could have reduced audibility. The relocation of a weather station that changes the physical features near the station, such as nearby hills, an adjacent wall of mountains, or tall buildings, can affect audibility in certain quadrants around a station. Court and Griffiths (1981) state that many western stations located in valleys miss nearby thunder events because the valley walls, or mountain ranges, limit the audibility. Station elevation is a fourth factor and western FOS at high elevations experience more thunderstorms than nearby stations in valleys (Court and Griffiths 1981). They conclude that the average number of storm days increase by 20 for every kilometer in elevation, and they ascribed the greater storm frequencies at higher elevations to measurements at less noisy sites and to less dense atmospheric conditions allowing better audibility.

Urban effects on storm activity

A large city influences the atmosphere and can affect storm frequency. This change will affect thunder-day values at weather stations located in the area where urban effects have systematically changed over time the frequency of thunderstorms. The need to discern urban effects on local storm frequency is just as important in climate change assessments as determing how much an urban heat island affects local temperatures so that the data can either be deleted or the values modified to adjust for local influences (Karl et al. 1988).

At cities with populations of one million or more, such storm changes have been found east, or downwind, of the city (Huff and Changnon 1973), and in larger cities such as New York (Bornstein and Leroy 1990) and Chicago (Changnon 2001), thunderstorm incidences have been altered over the city itself. Figure 1 presents the summer (June–August) average thunder-day pattern for the St. Louis area and shows major increases amounting to 45% over and just east of the city (Changnon 1978).

Shifts of stations into different climatic locales

A third factor that can affect thunder records relates to moves of stations from in-city locales to rural airports. These movements can alter the frequency of storms reported if the areas of the different locations are in a sharp climate gradient of storm activity due to physiographic changes or nearness to large water bodies that affect storm incidence. Figure 2 shows the sizable changes in the average thunder-day pattern for the autumn season downwind of Lakes Superior and Michigan, revealing sharp differences in storm incidences over short distances (Changnon 1968). A station moved 10–20 kilometers inland from a shoreline site would be sampling a different frequency of storm days. Further, cities such as Denver, which is located in the lee of the Rocky Mountains and in an area where storms frequently develop, could have very different incidences of storms depending on the distance of the weather station from the front range. For example, the weather station at Colorado Springs, which is located only 90 km south of Denver but closer to the mountains, averages 21 more thunder days a year than Denver.

Other possible factors

The thunder-day definition is based on an international agreement among national weather services and simply depends on hearing thunder between midnight and midnight. In the central United States, certain atmospheric conditions of the warm season favor the development of nocturnal thunderstorm (Means 1944; Wallace 1975). Such nocturnal storms have the potential for creating a double count in thunder days if a storm begins before midnight and lasts into the early morning, leading to an increase in the number of thunder days not found at FOS with fewer nocturnal storms (Court and Griffiths 1981). This possibility is more of a problem for spatial analysis of storms than for temporal analysis because such events spanning midnight should occur as often in 1900 as in 1990. There is no evidence that the nocturnal storm activity has undergone any systematic change during the past 100 years.

The possibility also exists that certain personnel at some weather stations have been less or more attentive to recording thunder than those at other times. Such possibilities exist but these conditions are not recorded so there is no way of measuring their impact on the actual storm count. Also the use of pilot reports to define a thunder day, a situation that developed with commercial aviation in the 1940s, could also affect local values. Any major vagaries due to record keeping should be detectable using the data evaluation approach described in the following section.

Evaluation of thunder-day data

In 1999 there were 130 FOS with long records, defined as 90 yr or more, and still in operation in the contiguous United States. The approach used to investigate the quality of each of these first-order station records and to assess the four factors that potentially affect data quality, as listed above, involved five steps.

First, all station relocations were identified using the published records of each station’s history (NCDC 1990). These relocations were plotted on a graph of the long-term distribution of thunder days for each FOS during the 1896–1995 period. As noted above, these station shifts could lead to different storm frequencies for a variety of reasons. This effort sought to detect major differential shifts in frequency related to any relocations or other unknown factors like poor record keeping. This assessment also involved identification of major physiographic or water body conditions capable of affecting localized storm frequencies at new station locations.

Second, the seasonal and annual average values of a candidate station undergoing evaluation were compared with those of the three or four nearest surrounding stations in a manner devised by Easterling and Peterson (1995). If any of the nearest three or four stations were in a different climatic regime (e.g., mountains versus high plains), they were not included in the testing. Ratios were computed based on the averages of the candidate station and those of surrounding stations, a form of triangulation, and then the relative hom*ogeneity of the station values was computed using Abbe’s criterion (Conrad and Pollak 1950) to detect any systematic differences considered indicative of questionable data. The Abbe criterion tests the signs (directions) of all between-year shifts, as well as changes in the magnitudes of ratios. If the station thunder-day values failed the test of relative hom*ogeneity with two or more stations, it was considered unusable for temporal analysis. This evaluation also included comparisons of the maximum annual value of the candidate station with those of the two nearest stations. The ratios of differences of the maxima of the two nearest stations were used as a basis for assessing the ratios of the candidate against each station. If the candidate station had a ratio that was more than 30% that of the other two nearby stations, the record was considered to be questionable, based on guidance from Conrad and Pollak (1950).

The third step involved comparison of the temporal behavior of storm frequencies of the candidate station with those at adjacent stations. The temporal distribution of each FOS value, expressed as a percent of the long-term average, was compared with those of two or more adjacent stations. Values of a candidate station and those of adjacent stations were plotted for comparative purposes. This analysis was used to 1) detect unusual regional shifts of thunder-day frequencies during 5-to-10-yr periods at the candidate station and 2) to assess the resulting duration of these shifts. If abrupt changes occurred and the resulting altered values persisted for 20 yr or more, the stations were considered to be questionable for use in long-term temporal analysis.

Fourth, all stations were assessed for having potential urban effects, using two criteria. A potential list was developed using all stations at cities with greater than a million population plus all cities that had been defined in prior research as having urban-related storm changes. Values at stations meeting these criteria were investigated for evidence of urban effects on their historical frequencies, and the timing of their development and placement around the urban area was compared with the locations of the weather station to determine if the station had been located in a zone where storm changes occurred.

Fifth, each station’s thunder events were assessed using nearby cloud-to-ground lightning data. Nearby lightning position values were compared with thunder event data to assess each station’s number of missed thunder events. A station’s missed events, expressed as a percent of the potential events based on lightning frequencies, were compared with similar ratios of surrounding stations. This procedure was used to detect stations where too many events were missed relative to surrounding stations. Stations with differences of more than 10% of the regionally expected value were considered to be questionable.


Unusual shifts in thunder-day frequencies

Each station’s historical values, based on 5-yr values, were expressed as percent of their long-term averages, allowing comparisons before and after relocations, plus comparisons with similar values of adjacent stations. These percentages were plotted on graphs and all major moves of each station, as extracted from the station’s history, were plotted by dates on the graphed historical record.

Figure 3 shows the 5-yr thunder-day percentage of average values of Williston, North Dakota, and dates of its station relocations. There were two major moves of the Williston station, one in 1961 and another in 1981. The Williston values are shown along with those at two other nearby stations, Bismarck and Fargo (Fig. 3). The three stations’ 5-yr values matched well from 1901 to 1955, with Williston averaging 27 thunder days per year, but thereafter the Williston values decreased dramatically and remained different, either lower or higher than the other two stations, through 1995. The Williston station’s relocation during 1961 appears to be related to the major shift in the station’s values. The Williston values also became extremely high after the 1981 relocation. The Williston values also failed the hom*ogeneity tests.

Figure 4 presents the 95-yr values for Amarillo, Texas, which had major station moves in 1941 and in 1974, along with values for two nearby stations, Abilene and Oklahoma City. From 1901 to 1940, the Amarillo values were consistently lower than those of the other two stations, averaging 37 thunder days per year, and in 1941–45 the Amarillo percentages increased and became the highest of the three values for the ensuing 20 yr, averaging 52 thunder days annually. The 1941 relocation appears to be related to this major shift. The other move of the Amarillo station in 1974 was also followed by values much higher than those at the other stations.

Figure 5 presents the values at Birmingham, Alabama, a station that had major relocations in 1945 and 1972, and values for nearby stations at Montgomery and Mobile. The Birmingham and Montgomery values reveal they were relatively similar from 1901 through 1945, with Birmingham averaging 70 thunder days per year, but thereafter Birmingham’s values decreased and remained low (averaging 51 thunder days annually) in the succeeding 20 yr. This shift was likely related to the station relocation in 1945. After the relocation in 1972, the Birmingham values for succeeding 5-yr periods (Fig. 5) were in better agreement with those of the other two stations.

The stations found to have such major anomalous shifts in thunder-day frequencies related to station moves or to other unknown influences are listed in Table 1. The station records considered to be questionable because they failed the tests of hom*ogeneity and had extreme shifts in their thunder-day frequencies included Amarillo, Atlanta, Birmingham, Kansas City, Denver, Sheridan, and Williston. Three other stations shown in Table 1 also failed the tests of hom*ogeneity, but had some periods of data considered to be useful but only before or after a questionable frequency shift. For example, the Havre data for 1901–80 are considered to be of good quality, but values after 1980 are poor. The Lander values for 1901–30 are too low, but those after 1930 appear to be representative. The early Grand Island values were questionable, but after 1940 appeared to be satisfactory. However, none of these 10 stations have data considered to be useful for long-term temporal assessments of thunder days.

Urban influences on local thunderstorm activity

Past studies that defined urban influences on storm incidence found that all had occurred at metropolitan areas with populations exceeding one million. Based on this information, a list of stations with the population potential for urban effects was created, as shown in Table 2. Results of studies of urban effects at specific cities (Bornstein and Leroy 1990; Bornstein and Lin 1999; Changnon 1978; Harnack and Landsberg 1975; Huff and Changnon 1973; Westcott 1995) were used to identify cities with known effects on storms, and these are also indicated by asterisks in Table 2.

In all studies of urban influences on storm activity, the altered thunderstorm frequencies were noted to occur in the urban area and/or downwind (east) of the urban area. These locations are important in relation to where the official local weather station was located and when the urban influences developed. For example, a study of eight cities (Huff and Changnon 1973) showed an increase in thunderstorm activity over New Orleans labeled “in city” that began in the 1950s, but the official in-city station site had been shifted to an airport 14 miles west of the city in 1948. Hence, the official New Orleans thunder-day record at the airport did not contain urban influences on recorded storm activity. Hence, New Orleans, as shown in Table 2, is defined as unlikely to have urban influences in its thunder-day records.

Table 3 lists those cities where prior studies found statistically significant increases in thunder days in the city and/or downwind (east) of the city. The eight cities were assessed as to where their thunder-day records had been collected and when the urban influence had begun. Chicago’s influence dates back to the 1930s and clearly has urban influences, given that the local station then and until 1958 was located within the city (Changnon 2001). Kansas City data were collected in the city until the station moved in 1972 to northwest of the city. Hence, portions of the historical record are considered to be urban influenced. The St. Louis in-city observations were moved to the local airport northwest of the urban center in 1948, and the urban influence began in the 1930s (Changnon 1978). This station’s historical thunder-day record contains urban-influenced storm counts. For example, the airport station, as shown in Fig. 1, averaged 24 storms per summer as opposed to 15–18 in areas surrounding the metropolitan area. New York’s record in the city (La Guardia Airport) is clearly urban influenced with storm decreases in certain weather conditions (Bornstein and Leroy 1990). The Dallas–Fort Worth record, with the weather station between the two cities, has also likely been urban influenced. Cleveland’s increase in storms began in the 1950s, but the station had been moved from the city southwest to the airport in 1941. Thus, the Cleveland thunder record is judged to be without urban influences. The Milwaukee record with downwind influences east of the city is also without urban effects, because the station was moved far south of the city in 1941. The Minneapolis–St. Paul effects on storm activity have existed since about 1970, but the in-city station was moved southwest of the city in 1938, and the thunder record likely contains no urban effects. Thus, three of the eight stations with significant urban-related increases in thunder days (Table 3) did not experience effects on their official thunder records, which were taken beyond the area of local change in storm activity.

Other cities were found to have measurable increases in storm activity, but the values were not statistically significant. These included Houston (city and downwind influences), New Orleans (city only), Atlanta (downwind influences), and Washington, District of Columbia (city and downwind influences). Houston and New Orleans, because of timing of airport shifts of observations, are without urban effects in their official records, but Washington, likely has an urban influence on its records (Harnack and Landsberg 1975). Atlanta has experienced urban effects on storm activity (Bornstein and Lin 1999), and the Atlanta records had also been found to contain inhom*ogeneities related to a station relocation (Table 1). Other cities assessed and found to be without local increases in the thunderstorm records included Detroit, Cincinnati, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Tulsa, Omaha, and Wichita. In all these cities, the official weather stations had been located south, west, or north of the city and were free from any urban-related shifts in storm activity.

Other major cities with sizes adequate to have possible urban influences included Baltimore, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Comparison of the Baltimore and Philadelphia records with those of nearby Harrisburg did not indicate a relative increase at either major city during the twentieth century. Both cities had station (observation) moves to distant rural airports south of their locations (Baltimore in 1950 and Philadelphia in 1940) that further preclude any marked urban influence. The two California cities did not exhibit any localized storm increases during the twentieth century, relative to other stations. The data for Boston are unclear. The station has been in the city and the adjacent airport since 1900, and may have urban as well as oceanic influences on storm activity.

In conclusion, thunder-day records at eight cities were considered to be urban influenced and are not recommended for use in long-term assessments of regional-scale storm activity. Those stations considered to have thunder-day activity records with urban-influenced values are Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas–Fort Worth, Kansas City, New York, St. Louis, and Washington.

Inadequate sampling of thunder events

A comparative study using thunder event data at the 130 candidate first-order stations and cloud-to-ground lightning data at varying ranges around each station was made to assess further possible data problems. Lightning data available for the 1986–89 period were employed. This involved documenting all occurrences of nearby lightning that matched conditions of thunder events (i.e., six or more cloud-to-ground strokes evenly distributed over a 1-h period), and occurring when no thunder was recorded. Such cases were defined as “missed” thunder events. The 4-yr frequency of the missed thunder events was compared with the actual number of recorded thunder events at each station, and the two values were summed representing all possible events. The number of actual events recorded was expressed as a percent of all possible thunder events during 1986–89. The resulting percentages for cases when lightning occurred within 15 km of each station are shown in Fig. 6. The values vary from 45% to 60% in the southeast and increase northward and westward, reaching 90% along the Canadian border.

Changery (1981) computed the average number of“thunderstorms,” based on the number of thunder events, for all FOS based on the 1948–77 period. If these station storm values are divided by the average number of events per storm day from Changnon (1993), one can estimate the number of missed thunder days. For example, at Tampa, Florida, the average number of thunder events is 128 and dividing this by the average number of events per day (1.3) reveals an average of 99 thunder days per year. The Tampa records, however, indicate the long-term average is 88 days; thus, it appears that 11 thunder days have been missed annually, on average, representing 10% of the correct total. Underestimates of thunder days elsewhere in the nation ranged from 6% to 15%.

The individual station values of missed thunder events, as defined by the cloud-to-ground lightning frequencies, were assessed through comparison with the values of surrounding stations. The frequency of missed thunder events are the inverse of those shown on Fig. 6. Inspection of the 130 station values revealed that four stations had unrealistically low values, defined as more than 10% less than surrounding values. These stations are listed in Table 4. Data from these four stations, although questionable for only a 4-yr period, are not recommended for use in studies of long-term thunder activity.


The thunder-day records at all 130 FOS with long records, 90 yr or more, were assessed to define those with quality records useful for studies of long-term temporal variations in thunder-day activity. Their locations are shown on Fig. 7. Ten stations scattered across the United States, in large and small urban communities, had inhom*ogeneities in their data because of prolonged periods with values found to be too low or too high (Table 1). These anomalous values often resulted from station relocations.

Eight stations had questionable thunder-day data due to urban effects that had altered their local thunder-day frequencies and detrimentally altered their official storm records. This group included Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas–Fort Worth, Kansas City, New York, St. Louis, and Washington. However, the Atlanta and Kansas City values had also been found to contain inhom*ogeneities due to station relocations, leaving the records for six stations added to the questionable list. The lightning–thunder event comparative analysis revealed there were questionable records at four stations: Memphis, Philadelphia, Raleigh, and Springfield, Missouri. In sum, this five-step assessment found that 20 of the 130 first-order stations with long records had data that should not be used in temporal climatological analyses. The locations of the 110 good-quality and 20 bad-quality stations are shown on Fig. 7, and the names of the good-quality stations appear in the appendix. The evaluation approach detected the stations with major thunder data problems, but there are likely some minor data problems that were not detected.


This research was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Department of Energy, as part of their Climate Change Detection and Attribution Project, under Grant NA96GP0455. The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA, DOE or any of their subagencies.


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List of First-Order Stations with Quality Thunder Data during the 1896–1995 Period

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (1)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (2)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (3)

Average number of summer (Jun–Aug) thunder days based on data for 1971–75 in and around St. Louis (Changnon 1978). The older urban–industrial areas are marked by diagonal lines, and the boundary of the built-up metropolitan area is outlined by a dash–dot line

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (4)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (5)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (6)

The number of thunderstorm days altered by lake effects downwind of Lakes Superior and Michigan. Shown are the number of thunder days changed in an average 10-yr period, based on data for 1900–65. The minus values represent decreases, and plus values represent increases (Changnon 1968)

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (7)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (8)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (9)

The 5-yr percent of average number of thunder days for Williston, Bismarck, and Fargo, ND. The relocations of the Williston station are indicated

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (10)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (11)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (12)

The 5-yr percent of average number of thunder days for Amarillo and Abilene, TX, and Oklahoma City, OK. The relocations of the Amarillo station are indicated

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (13)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (14)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (15)

The 5-yr percent of average number of thunder days for Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile, AL. The relocations of the Birmingham station are indicated

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (16)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (17)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (18)

Pattern based on the number of thunder events recorded at first-order stations expressed as a percent of the total possible thunder events, as determined from recorded events and from the nearby (within 15 km) lightning events that qualified as events but were not reported. The data are from the 1986–89 period

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (19)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (20)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (21)

The locations of the 130 first-order stations with 90 or more years of record in the 1896–1995 period, and the pattern based on the average annual number of thunder days, as defined by the 110 stations with quality records. The 20 stations judged as having questionable historical records are indicated

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology 40, 4; 10.1175/1520-0450(2001)040<0783:AOTQOT>2.0.CO;2

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APPENDIX  List of First-Order Stations with Quality Thunder Data during the 1896-1995 Period

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (22)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (23)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (24)

Table 1.

Stations with major shifts in thunder-day frequencies during 1896–1995 and that failed tests of hom*ogeneity with surrounding stations

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (25)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (26)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (27)

Table 2.

Assessment of stations at cities of sufficient size to have potential urban effects on thunderstorms. The official weather station’s location with respect to the city’s center is shown. Assessment of potential effects on local records (column 3) was also based on a comparison of the station locations with where storm activity is typically altered. Changed storm activity in cities assessed as having urban effects has occurred downwind of cities (east quadrant) and over the city in the largest metropolitan areas such as New York and Chicago

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (28)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (29)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (30)

Table 3.

Cities with statistically significant increases in thunder days, based on urban thunderstorm studies

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (31)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (32)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (33)

Table 4.

Stations assessed as having too many missed thunder events based on comparisons with nearby lightning occurrences

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (34)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (35)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (36)

Assessment of the Quality of Thunderstorm Data at First-Order Stations (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.