As I dig my roots unto it, clinging. - Chapter 1 - transgorgug (2024)

Chapter Text

Sprout was working.

As always, late into the night. Never mind that the clock read 12:36, or that he couldn't see much with his squinting and strained eyes. Work was to be done in Gardenview, even when the doors closed and the toons said goodnight.

He was hunched over a counter, wiping back and forth with a cleaning solution and a towel. The dining area was his domain, and he was sure to keep it in as much shape as possible. Sure.. maybe it was dark, and everyone else was nestled in their bed by now.

But that just meant more work. Sprout could get done undisturbed! He smiled to himself, despite the weariness he felt rake his body. This surely would get him a glance from his handler. He had been doing it for some days straight now.

And as always. He continued.

"I'll take a razzle and dazzle pizza slice, please!" He heard a cheerful voice say.

Sprout whirled around, startled by the voice cutting through his quiet work. His eyes met the other toon, and there was Dandy, with his elbows, propped up against the counter. He was sitting on his knees on a tall stool, leaning forward eagerly. His signature smile was plastered across his face.

"Dandy..." Sprout voiced. "Kitchens closed if you wanted anything!" Sprout chuckled, a quirk coming to his smile.

"Awhh, darn!" Dandy groaned, throwing his head back. He sat right across from Sprout. Who wondered how he didn't catch the multicolored toon sneak his way in?

Sprout turned back to his work, wiping down the counter, seeing as his reflection grew more clear against the stone top. "I'm surprised to see you on this side of Gardenview this late..." He started.

Dandy raised his eyebrows, looking at the taller toon. "I could say the same thing about you!"

Sprout huffed, frustration of the long day spiking in his chest. "Ah- just.. some quick kitchen prep."

"All by yourself?" The flower hummed, confused.

"Meh.." Sprout's face twisted.

The humans often did kitchen prep, leaving the space nice and clean for the next day, restocking, and preparing for meals. But.. the humans were sloppy at times, weighed down by their tired nature, unlike the toons' ability to stay active. Their eyes wouldn't catch much after a long day of lunch rushes, often making Sprout's eye twitch in fury.

Another beat of silence. Dandy only watched Sprout, his eyes following his hand as he swiped stray crumbs off the counter. Dandy would tilt his head, and narrow his eyes as if taking in the strawberry's movements.

In the quiet Sprout, he could hear the humming of the building around him, the soft rise and fall of the flower's chest. Dandy watched in the dim lighting. Sprout felt a sense of nervousness enter him. He was usually never eyed nor studied carefully. Heat flushed the back of his neck, making the scarf gingerly wrapped around his neck feel stuffy.

Maybe all this work was making him sick.

Dandy broke the silence by letting out a soft string of laughter. The plant finally reached over with both hands, cupping Sprout's paws in his, despite the berry holding a ragged and wet towel.

"Sproouuutt," Dandy said with a sing-song tilt to his voice. "The humans are gone. You can stop working now." Dandy squeezed their hands as if affirming what he said.

Sprout hummed, weighing his options. His shoulders relaxed, just slightly, in the presence of the ever-friendly and calming toon. "Hah! Alright, fine!" Sprout said, rolling his eyes.

Sprout discarded the towel, flicking it away, and it landed with a wet plop. Sprout grimaced at the sound.

Dandy let out a sharp bark of laughter, retracting his hands. "Ah- there we go.. much better now, isn't it?"

"I suppose..." Sprout sank into his seat, letting his high-strung tension melt, just for a bit.

"Now then..." Dandy drawled, chin propped up in his hand. "Is the kitchen closed for the night?" Dandy's eyes darted to the large grey fridge.

"Hmm.." Sprout's chest spiked with nervousness. A small shoot flared in his chest, a warning from his writing, from the rules he had to follow as a toon. The food was meant for the guests. Toons would be fed in their own time. The thought wormed in his mind, curling. But... well... if it was Dandy that was asking. But.. it was past feeding hours, the voice chipped, unfurling.

"Oh.. come now." Dandy piped up. "Don't overthink about it!" He stared, slowly blinking.

"I-" Sprout said. "I suppose... There's a tub of plain vanilla ice cream we could crack into..." The anxiety squirmed, twitched, and was gone.

Dandy seemed to relax. "That sounds nice."

So the two sat in the dim kitchen, struggling with an ice cream scooper to eat a half-finished tub of sweetness and exchanging small, meaningless chatter. It felt.. nice. He didn't get to hang out much. His schedule was packed full, more than the rest of the toons at times. It was nice to take it slow, at least for the night.

Besides he had never spent much time with the flower, so the notion surprised him. As the two weren't very close. Dandy seemed to always be swarmed at his shop and Sprout was always in his crowded dining area.

He slowly and warmly began to realize why the flower was the face of their show, he had a grand presence but still kept a humble and homely personality, unlike that other toon, Vee if Sprout could recall.

"I'm surprised you're out past curfew," Sprout said, filling his mouth with another scoop of ice cream, his dull toon taste attempting to pick up on the flavor, as toons hadn't the need for eating. "Of all toons... I didn't expect to see you..."

"Well. All toons are under my care, Sprout." Dandy said. "Don't you remember when I helped you that one time? You and Cosmo? I heard of how late you stay down here.. fussing over everything." Dandy added, waving a hand over the half-cleaned-up mess. "It didn't seem fair..."

"Fair?" Sprout questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you work far too much!" Dandy waved away Sprout's words with a hand. "It's like you're trying to beat Tisha at her own game!" He added with a snicker.

"How is it unfair?" Sprout put the scooper down, pressing further. The toon’s ink was fresher, younger than Dandy's, who had been here since the making of Gardenview. Some concepts were still foreign.

Unfairness was a word Sprout had learned from his making, his time on the show. It stood out to him, his mind, made for teaching, caught it quickly in the tone of Dandy's voice.

"Hmph." Dandy let out an unamused grunt. "Come now.. you work here. Work and work. Serving orders. Hour by hour. Barley, any time to truly interact.. or have fun!" Dandy said, voice raising an octave with exasperation.

"All of this.. and you don't ask for any thanks." Dandy sank back, saddened.
After a beat of silence, Sprout gazed back at Dandy's wide-eyed stare, his module picking up on the sense the toon was forlorn at the thought. His writing picked up on it, from past lessons learned. Did I do something wrong? It squeaked.

Dandy sighed, sensing that the toon was having a hard time picking up on the concept. "I'm just saying -" Dandy shook his head. "I wish the others would be more grateful for what you do for them.. give their thanks. I wish the humans were more lenient on you. Is all. You were written this way.. yes, but!" Dandy lifted his head, meeting Sprout's eyes with a new determination. "That doesn't mean they can walk on you like that! You deserve a break! A day for fun!"

Sprout tilted his head. Realizing, that Dandy was right. Since the toon's creation, Sprout had never really questioned any of the orders given to him by those of authority. He sort of just followed everything given to him by his handler. Sprout blinked hard, twice, processing this new flow of information. Goodness! He had never received a thank you, not even from another toon! He was just.. expected to do all this? Hmm..

Sprout opened his mouth and closed it. Hesitating. "Huh." Was all the berry could say.

Dandy narrowed his eyes, searching and seeking, his face relaxed, a warm smile coming back. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Dandy's voice rang true. Hitting its target.

Sprout could tell Dandy anything.

"I..." Sprout felt his mouth move before his brain. "I... I don't think my handler likes me very much." He admitted.

Immediately an icy cold feeling filled the toon's body. He had said something bad about his handler! Something negative! It shot through his veins, making him freeze in place. He felt like slapping his hand over his mouth. His writing fought with him.

Dandy nodded solemnly. He reached, putting a hand on Sprout's shoulder. "I know. It's hard. You're new. You'll get used to this... feeling."

Sprout reached a hand to meet Dandy's. He felt his face twist into a frown. "I don't know what I did wrong! I do everything right.. everything they say.. always on time!" Sprout's voice shook as his brow furrowed. "It's - it's like they h-hate me!" He spat, and the word felt like a toxin in his mouth.

Hate was a strong word. This was another thing he learned during his time on the show, his development. Hate? Hate? No- no- dislike.. not like. Those were better, softer. But then Sprout would recall the mean glares his handler would give him, the snide sharp comments when they thought he was out of earshot, the crushing sensation of his heart being shattered. No.. maybe hate was right.

Sprout frowned. His hand on Dandy's shook slightly. His handler did hate him... he shook his head, forcing no tears to come from this childish predicament.

"I don't... understand.." Sprout asked.

Dandy sighed, easily prying his hand from Sprout's shoulder. "I know it can be hard to comprehend. Those... humans." Dandy's eyes darkened. "Try all they might they don't understand us.. not even the nice ones." Dandy sat straight, serious. "They expect us to be placid. Following the script they've written for us." His voice grew gravelly. "Like we aren't beings that can think for ourselves..." A low growl.

Sprout nodded, unsure of what the flower was spitting but not wanting to be left behind.

Dandy's features softened once again. "I understand - I understand how you feel.." Dandy continued. "It's scary.. to think if they ever get bored of us.." His face grew set.

Sprout swallowed. He didn't understand what Dandy was implying, but it all sounded serious.

Dandy leaned back, eyeing the berry. "I'm... I'll help, Sprout." He smiled gently, attempting to lift the toon's spirits. "I'll make sure nothing happens to us toons, alright?"

Sprout nodded, sniffling.

"Okay... Okay. Best we head back now." Dandy lifted his head, eyeing the cameras in the corner. "But if you need anything. Tell me."

Sprout nodded again, silent. The conversation had been strange for the toon to grasp. It felt strange as if it went against his coding. He felt the strange feeling twist in his gut.

The two left the kitchens, heading to their respective rooms. Sprout walked back, swinging his arms back and forth, mind spinning.

The reason he was able to wander around was because his toon handler seemed to not care for him... the freedom he used left a sinking pit in his stomach. His handler had yet to check up on him.


It seemed Dandy was looking out for him, though.. that was good. Wasn't it?

Sprout turned the corner, contemplating, before barreling into another toon.

Sprout let out a sharp yelp of shock, unprepared to see anyone. The two fell into a pile of limbs as they hit the floor with a soft thud.

"Uuugh..." He heard a weak moan come from beneath him. Sprout scrambled to get up, dusting himself off and fixing his scarf. He turned to look at the toon he had collided with.

There, rubbing his head with his permanently sad expression sat Astro, his hat swinging behind him. Astro pried his eyes open, meekly looking up at the berry toon.

"Sprout..." Astro's eyes widened. "Why aren't you asleep?" Still unmoving from where he had been knocked over.

"I could say the same for you." Along with another toon. Sprout silently added in his head.

Astro mumbled some nonsense to the thin air, slumping forward. The toon sagged with the weight of his tiredness, a small dark circle under his eye, showing his lack of sleep, which was a strange occurrence for the toon who often advocated for a well-rested goodnight sleep. "I don't..." Astro grunted, lifting himself back to his feet. Nonsense.

"Sorry for knocking into you. Are... you well?" Sprout said, concerned.

Astro looked side to side, squinting. "Ah.. you haven't seen, Dandy. Have you?" The toon gave a heaving sigh, exhausted. "I've been trying to find him all day... he said we were hanging out.. we had been planning it all.." The moon-faced toon swayed on his feet, drifting off.

Sprout raised his eyebrows. "Yes... I have. We just spoke.."

The other toon narrowed their eyes, a look flashing over their face, one Sprout could not read. "Ah.." They said. "I see. he. Must have forgotten." The toon squinted, whatever spark they had felt was quickly dampened by their lack of sleep.

"You know how busy he is," Sprout said, not wanting to intervene with a business that wasn't his.

Astro whispered something wordlessly under his breath, shoving past Sprout, roughly knocking shoulders with the other toon, forcing them to step back, Sprout hugged the wall behind him as Astro marched forward, stumbling slightly.

Sprout frowned. Strange. There is nothing to concern himself with, though.

He pressed on into the dark.

Despite the brief incident with Astro, Sprout managed to sleep as soundly as possible when he got back to his room, and the next morning, he continued his routine like so.

But still, the words Dandy had said had wormed their way into the berry’s mind. Ever so often he would pause his work, briefly, and think. His smile would drop as the growing realization that the other cooks would disregard him, only sending him out to please or entertain crying kids at the dining hall stuck with him.

Maybe Dandy was right but the thought left Sprout still. He wouldn’t exactly know what to do with this information. There wasn’t anyone he could exactly complain to… the other toons, he’d shake his head. The other toons were dearly beloved. unknown to the pressure he was in. Not only to serve in the show but slave away in the kitchens. Beloved cast members who had been at the game longer than he had! They wouldn’t understand.

Goodness. Sprout thought. Jolting from where he was stationed, kneading a fat pile of dough. Calling his job slave work was unlike him... No, he loved his position and he loved helping the staff and kids! The smiles on their faces when he brought out a delectable cake for them surely made everything worth it.


He shook his head again, turning back to his creation. Dandy’s conversation with him had made his head swim in a way the new toon could barely understand. He felt as though he wasn’t made to think such things. Maybe it was best if he told no one.

“Sprout!” He heard a chipper voice shout.

The berry turned his head, his eyes landing on his dearly beloved boyfriend, Cosmo. Boyfriend. The word made Sprout’s heart clench with happiness. Or at least it would, if toons were built with them.

An easy-going smile quickly spread across Sprout's face, the roll-headed toon would always make the berry feel secure amongst the chaos of the kitchen. Even the small pauses of time for short conversation made his day just a bit brighter as if the fluorescent lights above their heads had been replaced with a warm glow.

Cosmo’s chuckled, skipping over to the other toon and placing a hand on their chin, to shut their mouth. Which had been hanging open. “Usually people respond with hey! Or hi!” Cosmo’s snickered.

“I- uhh- Awuah!” Sprout felt their red-tinted skin get a dark glow as they flushed.

Cosmo snorted with amusem*nt, apparently, the act of making Sprout blush never got old to them.
“How are you doing, I haven’t gotten to speak to you all morning!” The toon leaned against the counter as Sprout shook off their embarrassment. The toon looked down the Sprout’s current project. “After all you seemed busy… silently kneading that bit of dough for an hour straight.”

“Oh. Oops.” Sprout maintained awkward eye contact before he swiped the overused pile of dough straight into a trash can.

Cosmo let out another chuckle before his eyes met Sprouts. The toon's face flickered with concern, his face softening in a stubble way only the berry would pick up on.

“You’ve been working a ton…” Cosmo started gently. “Listen, once this-” He jerked his head towards the full dining hall. “Is all over. How about you and me hang out for a while?”

“Uh…” Sprout's chest filled with relief. “Yes… Of course- Once I am done with all my duties...”

Cosmo’s mouth jerked into a small smile. He reached over and patted the other toon on his shoulder. “Good to hear! I’ll be waiting in the lobby for you eh-?”

Sprout’s head stopped spinning just a tad. His confidence gained a slight boost… at least the other toon had noticed how worn he had been. Even if they could do little for his hours. Even if Dandy had noticed and voiced his concern first.

“Of course!” Sprout agreed. His workload felt like it lessened with the hangout in sight.

“Hehe! Great!” Cosmo gave his shoulder a small rub with his thumb in easy circles, coaxing the stress out of the other toon. “And- since your hands seem empty…” The other toon slid a full platter of food into Sprout’s hands.

A small spike of doubt pierced Sprout’s chest, he guessed even the lightness of their play didn’t stop working hours.

Sprout shot Cosmo a smile, an attempt to reassure him before taking the tray in his paws and rushing into the dining hall, ready to serve as always.

He weaved through the tables, smiling at kids, making small chatter, reassuring them he’d visit the ones he missed later. After that tray was another, and another, and another. As Cosmo whistled away in the kitchen.

It was a blur of faces one after another. The only sensation Sprout felt was of his ever-permanent customer service smile stretching across his face, agreeable and happy for the crowd.

That was until he felt something strong grip him by the scarf, Sprout let out a small yelp of discomfort, and he jerked his head around ready to confront the grubby kid who was yanking his scarf but he was silenced when he saw who it was.
Dandy stood there, his eyes bright and wide. He leered at Sprout, still having a grip on him.

“Oh, Dandy-!” Sprout exclaimed in his surprise, still juggling a platter of full dishes. “I- hhRCKKH-!” Sprout felt his throat tighten as Dandy took advantage of his unbalanced nature, Dandy tugged harshly again, forcing the toon to topple with him into one of the STAFF-ONLY labeled toons.

“Sprout!” Dandy cried, he quickly brought his hands out to steady the other toon before he fully crashed over, plates and all.

Sprout steadied themselves, shaking their head, dizzy. Still holding onto the dish. “Bwuhh.. Dandy?” The toon questioned.

Dandy cut off another stream of Sprout’s sputtering by pressing their head against their cheek, giving the toon a swift nuzzle, he spun a circle around Sprout, dragging his flowery tail against them.

Sprout felt something uncomfortable settle in his gut but he shrugged it off, knowing how touchy the multicolored flower usually was.

“Geez! Still working?” Dandy shot Sprout a knowing look.

“Mhm.” Was the only reply Sprout gave as he adjusted his scarf.

“Come on… That’s much too much!” Dandy rolled his eyes. “Listen… I can pull some strings to get you some time off... How about it?”

“Oh!” Sprout’s eyes widened, and he shifted his weight, still balancing the tray. “Really? That would be nice.”

“Of course! I’m sure my handler can arrange something…” Dandy reached out to take the tray from Sprout and discarded it among some crates. “Say. Why don’t you come tag along with me for today?”

Sprout blinked, surprised by Dandy’s suggestion.

Dandy waved a hand. “And before you start- It’s fine. Nobody will ask questions if you stick by me! Plus…” Dandy leaned in. “I’m sure your handler won’t even notice, and It’d be nice to have some time away from them. Hmm?” He pressed.

Sprout stared, contemplating. Dandy was right, he was sure his handler would be grateful to have Sprout out of their hair, he briefly thought about Cosmo. Well. The toon has said after their work… if he left with Dandy now they’d still have plenty of time.

“Alright… sure!” Sprout said, smiling back up at the flower.

Dandy’s grin widened, and his hand lashed out, gripping Sprout, before he ran, taking Sprout along with him, the two ducked into an unused hallway. Sprout felt a fit of giggles bubbles out of him, enjoying the rush from bending the rules.

Dandy laughed alongside him.

This felt… nice. A wave of affection swirled around Sprout’s head. It was lulling the berry toon.

This was special attention he hadn’t received before... Not from his handler. Not from anyone. Dandy was prioritizing him above everyone else. The wave came over him, feeding into these thoughts, making the toon lightheaded.

Dandy had gone out of his way to seek him out, to show the toon around. This meant something… didn’t it? Dandy Was His Friend. Dandy was his friend… Sprout turned the phrase in his mind, relaxing, it was nice to have a new friend.

Sprout laughed, louder. Feeling the rush from freedom, unburdened from his responsibilities even if only for a day.

It seemed in the toons excitement. He had forgotten about his planned date with Cosmo.

It had been late when Sprout trekked back to his room, it being empty. When the thought hit him, making him jolt. He felt guilt settle in his chest, feeling as if he had neglected Cosmo.

So he sought him out to apologize the next morning.

He found the toon at his station, getting ready to continue the work week.

Sprout caught up, half out of breath. “C-cosmo!” He gasped. “I-I’m so SO sorry, I missed our hang out I-” He panted, ready to continue his rambling.

“Sprout-” The roll-headed toon held up a paw, silencing him. “I’m not mad at all, I assure you.” He said gently, voice softening.

“R-Really?” Sprout asked.

“Oh! Please!” Cosmo laughed, shaking out his apron. “When I heard you were out and about- I felt happy!” Cosmo’s turned to smile at Sprout. “Please... It warms my heart to think you FINALLY got out of the kitchen and enjoyed yourself!”

“But… Our evening…” Sprout sputtered, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Hon... It’s fine. There will be plenty more evenings.” Cosmo came closer, he gave the other toon a small peck on the cheek, making them jump. “I’m glad you're making friends with the other toons is all!”

Sprout blushed at his partner's kind words. He did take note that Cosmo had said toons, not Dandy.

“I would just… appreciate a heads up next time.” Cosmo gave a weak smile. “But! If you still feel guilty. Here, make it up to me by helping me preheat these ovens.” The toon said turning to his work.

The two worked and worked, exchanging jokes and small talk to send each other snickering in the brief moments of silence. This type of work was pleasant... Not chaotic like they were used to.

But their work was soon interrupted by a certain flower.

“I must speak with Sprout” Dandy started. “It’s urgent-” They added, hurriedly.

Cosmo shot Sprout a confused look.

Sprout swallowed but Dandy did look distraught.

“I- I’m sorry Sprout- I” Sprout turned back to look at the toon.

“It’s fine,” Cosmo mumbled. “Please... Take your time.”

Sprout felt a hand press against the small of his back, as Dandy led him away, leaving a crushed Cosmo behind.

Running around with Dandy had let Sprout reach new heights and new privileges.

The two had found themselves on the set of Vee’s game show, tucked away high above everyone, watching the toons become small dots as they paraded around on stage. Performing for an invisible audience to a single empty camera.

“Something terrible is happening, Sprout- the humans.” Dandy squinted, his face turning stone. “Talk of- whatever… plan they had for the gardens- going under.”

Sprout hummed.

“You must… surly… you must have heard humans speak, in the kitchens, their gossip in the halls.” Dandy said.

Sprout squirmed. It was true. The humans often overlooked him when they spoke, most unaware he could even understand him.

He had heard the hushed whispers. Hours cut. Pressure from management. Rumors, he believed, were all baseless rumors.

“Our makers. Our creators. Our Gods.” Dandy said. “Our original designers, those who wrote us of nothing, thin air- a spat- a petty spat is what’s tearing them apart.”

“If either of these- humans- our makers- our creators. Win or lose. Do you know what that means?” Dandy said.

Sprout shook his head no, treading carefully.

“The end of us. All of us.” Dandy hissed. “Either they- they scrap us- throw us away replace us with something better- or they rewrite our memories- twist us into empty husks!” Dandy’s voice became a growl. “All because they can!”

Sprout jumped back.

Dandy sighed, dangling his legs off the edge, kicking them back and forth. The flower seemed different in this lighting as if shedding his skin. He reached a handout, squinting between two pressed fingers, making it seem as if he was crushing a tiny Vee.

“Ants.. Hehe.. everyone looks like ants from up here.. So small.” The flower lowered his hand turning to Sprout, his eyes flat.

“Helpless.” Dandy pauses, as if struggling. “Often it’s difficult. To watch over them all.” He turns, facing the dark again. “To know it’s all on me…”

Sprout watched the flower silently before speaking.

“W-What you said… It can’t- It can’t possibly be happening can it?” He still clung to the beam.

Dandy shifted. “Of course it can, Sprout. Out of all the toons, you- you must realize how much we lack.”

“We lack autonomy. In freedom.” Dandy motioned with his hand. “Just you- you and me. The others soon but-” Dandy slumped, his head in his hands. “I can’t possibly do this alone.”

Sprout stared.

And stared.

He didn’t want Cosmo to be gone… he didn’t want anyone to be gone. Nobody deserved that. If helping Dandy was the only way to prevent this from happening.

“I- I’ll see what I can find out,” Sprout said, mouth moving before his brain. “I- If- you need anything. Dandy.”

Sprout almost tumbled over as Dandy clung to his legs in a hug, he wobbled, spreading his arms to balance himself.

“Oh! Thank you- thank you, Sprout! I swear- I’ll- You’ll be better. Cosmo to.” Dandy pressed, Sprout squirmed, feeling unsteady as Dandy’s wet tear-streaked cheeks gazed at him.

Dandy looked up from where he lay, his eyes locking with Sprout’s, head still leaning onto him. “You're going to be better than ever, Sprout.”

“I’m only telling you this because I trust you-” Dandy peeled himself off, rising, to face the toon. “I can see… something in you Sprout. If- If you let me help. I can unlock this. We- Together- The gardens- the humans won’t be able to stop us.”

Dandy raised a hand to cup the toon's cheek, and Sprout froze.

“I- I- Okay!” Spout pressed against the support behind him. “I understand- please.” He felt a rise of fear. Dandy's sudden change of mood rattled him.

Dandy retracted his hand, seemingly satisfied, and he smirked.

“There you are..” He huffed, breathless. A whisper, as if anything louder would have scared away Sprout.

“I assure you- We won’t be alone in this. Everyone will help- everyone- I’ll save you all.” Dandy said, returning to where he sat.

Dandy’s ominous words clung to Sprout as he returned.

Cosmo seemed delighted to see Sprout, his eyes lightened. “There you are!” The toon called.

Sensing Sprout’s unease, he threw the toon a concerned look, before reaching out to cup the berry cheek.

Sprout flinched, his hand shot out to grip Cosmo’s hovering hand, and he clenched it tight.

“Ah-” Sprout said, shocked at his movement. “No... No... I- Not now.” He muttered, letting go.

Sprout moved past Cosmos, in a haze, more pressing matters on his mind.

So began the cycle, with Sprout teetering on a line, skirting with Dandy, and working with Cosmo.

It.. couldn't have been wrong, as Cosmo had said himself, he had been happy with Sprout going out more and being able to stretch his legs, and besides he still managed to squeeze in time for him. So it was fine! It was fine.

Dandy would show him places, and heights in the garden where all was quiet, where the two could finally get a breather.

Of course, the others wouldn’t understand, they had never seen this side of Dandy, and they didn’t understand all the toon did for them, how he protected them.

Only Sprout did. Only Sprout grew closer and closer to the toon. Seeing the sides of him no one else did, in the quiet. His stress... His worries. His woes. Sprout was helping him.

When Dandy told him to get his original concept art and his original episode scripts, he stole them from his handler. It had been easy for the toon to process.

His handler had kept them carelessly stashed away, should the need arise for an emergency, which made it easy for Sprout to sneak in.

It seemed safer to hand them over to Dandy’s hands. Knowing they would be secure, instead of collecting dust in an office never visited.

Dandy smiled at him, a pat, reassuring him that he was doing well. This would be a net good for all of them.

Sprout felt safer, and more confident than he had ever felt before. Even if his newfound support often made him outshine his partner. That was fine. His turn would come eventually. Soon he would learn but for now. The toons had to work to take this narrative into their own hands.

The gravity of the situation would not stick with Sprout, till one silent meeting with Dandy.

The cartoon flower had sought Sprout out, he was staring into the distance, his brow furrowed, thinking.

“Dandy!” Sprout said, happily greeting the toon as he had grown used to doing.

“Sprout…” The flower turned, not responding with the same enthusiasm.

“Sprout-” Dandy hovered, hesitating. “I- I believe I have come across news you must be aware of.”

Sprout tilted his head, mimicking a confused dog. Dandy took this as a sign to continue.

“Here.” Dandy held up a small, worn, stack of paper. It looked unimportant, nothing drew attention.

“This here,” Dandy said, slowly forming out words as if he would lose Sprout. “Is your script- which you had so- generously.” He added, his face looking pressed with concern. “Given to me. I thank you for this- so much. But- I- I found something.”

Sprout's joy was halted. He stilled, like a deer in headlights.

“You- Your relationship with Cosmo- it- it's fake. It-” Dandy stumbled, unsure of how to word his thoughts.

“W-what do you mean?” The toon stepped forward.

“What do I mean? I mean- It’s fake.” He emphasized the word fake, spitting it. “It’s fake. It isn’t real. How clear do I have to be?”

“Huh? What-” Sprout began laughing, he threw his head back, ignoring the piercing feeling in his side. “No- AH! I get it... A joke. A mean one but a joke.”

Dandy stared down at the pages in his hands. “Sprout. I am being. Serious. Genuine. It-”

Sprout fell silent, the wheels in his mind churning. “No! No! That- That simply isn’t true. That- It- It isn’t!” He pleaded.

“Your relationship with Cosmo. Had been planned since the very beginning, Sprout. Since the moment you were drawn out. Something others would possibly find, romantic. But I find it harrowing.” Dandy said.

Dandy wordlessly handed Sprout the script.

He read it.

He read it.

He read it.

Sprout froze, his mind seeing something it should never have to lay eyes on.

As he read, the scene played vividly in his mind. Every action. Every twitch of the muscle on command. His vision blurred, struggling to tell the difference between the room he stood in and the oh- oh-oh-oh-the set. The set. It had been a set. How had he not realized it? Oh.

Had the cameras always been trained on him? Hah. How had he not seen those? How had he not noticed how fake the sun was, how too blue the sky was, how sickly green the grass was?


Sprout’s mind twisted. He tried thinking. Back to where he first met Cosmo. Shelly- the others- the stars in his mind, that sparked, when he first would lay eyes on his future partner. They were here. But they weren’t.

It had happened. But it wasn’t- but-

It. It was here. He saw the text. His mind twisted, breaking.

Sprout yelped, he stumbled back, sending the paper flying.

He shut his eyes, trying to force the words out of his mind, the memory played again and again behind his eyelids, burning into him, hot like an iron.

But there it was, every time he thought back, his mind would sear, the script, the written text, everything he had said, every expression, every thought. All laid out.

Sprout gasped, struggling, it was all too much for him. The static buzzed.

The flower circled the toon, reassuringly touching their shoulder as they stared at their empty hands.

“It’s hard. Isn’t it? To learn how much of your world… Our. World.” He tilted Sprout's head with his chin, forcing the berry to look into their eyes. “Is fake. Based on lies.”

Sprout's face twisted, turning confused, then frightened, he shook his head, eyes turning blank as if his mind was a million miles away. “I- It- It isn’t. I love him. I do, Dandy.” He forced.

“Oh... Sprout. You poor thing.” A look of pity was all Sprout saw, filling the corners of his vision. “It may seem real but- here it is. All in a script. Your emotions- Your impulses.”

The flower turned, his face grave. “All reduced to nothing but letters, simply actions we must act.”

Dandy withdrew. “Read it yourself, fully. Please, I invite you. Think back. So much of your world, down to your very introduction, nothing but- entertainment for the masses.”

Sprout dropped to his knees, picking up the loose pieces of script. He winced. His mind flashed, memories, of Cosmo. The feelings he felt—the rush. The swirl of warm memories and emotions is tainted, slowly, but surely.

No… It mustn’t be true.

“All those-” Dandy waved with his hand as if swatting a pesky fly. “Emotions. You had felt. All planned. That rush you feel? The warmth? A chemical reaction instilled into you- Programmed.” The flower continued, hands behind his back, as he paced slowly.

Sprout picked up a script in his shaking hands, free-flowing tears staining the sheet.

“But-” Dandy said, voice light, airy. “What you have. Here.” He placed a hand on Sprout’s head. “Real. Much real. Don’t you see? No forced rush of emotions when you see me. Nothing like that to delude you into thinking. What we built. IS real.”

Sprout lifted his head, sniffling, a whine escaped his lips as he cried.

“I- Don’t- I don’t know what to do. Cosmo was everything. My world-” He hiccuped. “I’m scared- what- I don’t- What do I have besides him?”

“Me…” Dandy crouched, meeting the berry's height. “Me. I am real. What we will build will be real.” His voice was choked full of emotion, much more heavy, weighing with the stark sincerity in his words.

“No one will be able to write our fate.” Dandy pressed his head into Sprouts. “No human would ever predict that we- us- all of us. Would come together like this. Strong. A team- a real one- A real group of friends. Not what they planned for their shows.” His mouth curled into a snarl.

Sprout felt hollow.

As if his insides had been ripped out, his heart torn to shreds, as if the earth beneath his feet had crumpled.

His mind shattered, the very axis of his life, suddenly and violently stripped away from him. The proof was here. It was true. He was nothing but a fabrication.

How much of him was real? How much of it had all been an act for the show?

Where did his true memories begin? Where did the face he saw on screen, plastered on posters, the one who spoke for the camera end?

He was empty. Devoid of meaning.

Nothing to hold onto as he fell. Nothing. Nothing but Dandy.

“Anything.” Sprout clung onto Dandy, he gripped tightly, swaying, feeling sick. Dandy held him close, steady. His arms felt comforting, and grounding. “Anything- I’ll do anything. Get rid of this feeling- please- I-” His mind swam with text.

“There’s nothing I can do. You have been exposed. Many remain blind.” Dandy said, softly. He raised a hand to stroke the back of the berry’s head. “But- we can rise above this. Sprout.”

Dandy gently shifted the toon, cupping him. “Make new ones. Real ones. Real memories. Let us leave this place- these grey walls. Let's feel real grass, true warmth.”

Sprout sobbed, his eyes stinging, his world unraveling.

“Anything-” He choked. “I’ll do anything-”

“Good.” Dandy pressed his head into the curve of Sprout’s neck, pressing his smile against him.

Sprout’s skin crawled the weight of reality too much.

He would follow the toon to get rid of it, normalcy no longer in his grasp.

Nights later, Sprout stumbled into a dark hall, going back to his room after another lost night of doing Dandy’s bidding, finding instructions for machines, and scraps of lettering. All beyond Sprout’s mind. But. If it quelled Dandy. If it could help them go back to normal.

It seemed Cosmo had decided to follow him, hands pressed together, anxiously hovering over his shoulder.

“Sprout-!” The toon shouted.

Sprout paused, he turned to face Cosmo as if the effort cost him his energy.

“Sprout- please. I- I want to talk. Please.” Cosmo rushed forward, closing the gap.

Sprout grunted, rolling his eyes. He turned his back, continuing.

“You’ve been acting so strangely- I hardly see you- hardly anyone does. And- we miss you. We all do. I-” Cosmos blurted, trying to fill the space with his words.

A growl formed from the back of Sprout's throat. A hissing thought cut through his mind, rising against all the dread he felt.

Why was he letting Cosmo speak to him like that? Letting him speak to him at all?

“You- wouldn’t. Understand. Okay? Let’s leave it at that.” Sprout said he pushed past Cosmo, his anger showing as he stepped through the halls.

“I-” Cosmo reached out a hand, grabbing the toon by his shoulder. “Please-” He forced Sprout to turn and face him. “Please at least. ATTEMPT. To- explain it to me.”

Sprout stared at Cosmo.


He wouldn’t understand. Not his mind. Far too anxious.

Another ugly thought crossed his mind.

He shouldn’t waste his time on someone… so lesser. So beneath him.

Cosmo was aware of nothing.

Unlike him. The voice said, curling.

“No. No- Leave me alone okay? I don’t want to talk. I’m- tired.” Sprout roughly shook Cosmo off.
“Honey…” Cosmo started, his arms stretched, as if he wanted to catch the other toon. He pressed on, continuing to follow. “Was it– was it something I said?”

The two reached the door to Sprout’s room, Cosmo fidgeted, fiddling with his hands as he watched Sprout open the door and step in.

“This is unlike you- I-” Cosmo said, he inched forward as if wanting to follow further.

“Unlike me?” Sprout said, his voice rising. “Unlike me?” He repeated, turning to face Cosmo, his hand steady on the door.

“What would you know? About that.” Sprout hissed. “You- Nothing but. Pleasantries and- smiles- nothing- but.” Sprout shook his head. “Surface level. You are- you.”

A hurt look flashed over Cosmo’s face.

“I-I’m sorry…” The toon voice quieted, dropping so suddenly, but a whisper.

“You SHOULD be,” Sprout said, gaining momentum. “You wouldn’t understand ANYTHING. ANYTHING. I have seen- I-” Sprout struggled, his voice wavering.

What was he doing? His mind flashed, hot.

Why was he yelling? No. No this. Was unlike him.

He wanted to stop, reach out, apologize, and close the gap.

But. He continued.

“You just- ungrateful.” His voice growled, reverberating. Growing darker as venom seeped into his words. “I’ve worked with you for so so. LONG. and yet NOW you finally give ME the courtesy of some semblance of an apology?”

No! No! What was he doing? Sprout cried from inside his mind, feeling dark matter press around inside him. Stop! Please!

His body continued, ignoring his pleas.

“NOW you FINALLY decide to look my way, some dignity. Because what?” Another growl. “Because I decide not to flit around pointlessly with you!”

Cosmo looked hurt, his body was crouched away as Sprout’s voice grew louder and louder. He flinched every time Sprout spoke as if he would lash out.

“I-I- I didn’t know.” Cosmo choked out, trembling from head to toe. “I- Didn’t know. You felt this way- If- I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please don’t- be mad- I-” Cosmo stilled, trying to regain his composure.

Please! Sprout yelled from inside his mind. Close the door! Let him go. Please!

“NO. No. Too late now. You- You-” Sprout’s voice deepened, he felt something sharp and stark pierce his mind. “BENEATH. Me.” He sputtered as if the words were difficult to say.

Cosmo shook, he stepped back.

“I don’t- If you- cross my path again. You WEAK-” Sprout exhaled, haggard. “NOBODY.”

Sprout strained, pushing to move anything, to twitch the end of his fingers, to gain control of his mind.

“I- Just- Forget it. Forget. Us.” Sprout spat.

He gripped the door and slammed it in Cosmo’s face.

His body swayed, red from his vision ebbing away, the dark veins that pulsed at the edges retracted.

He heard Cosmos burst into tears and run.

Sprout stared at the door. Shock immediately overtook him, and his face twisted into one of horror.

Oh god, What did he do? Cosmo. No. He collapsed, unable to hold his weight, tears streaming down his face.

He looked down at his hands.


Dandy had done something.

He had to see Dandy.

Sprout lifted his face to stare at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry.” He said. To no one in particular.

He would confront Dandy in his room, the one tucked away behind his stall.

He wouldn’t expect the berry to see him. Wouldn’t expect the berry to fight back.

He wouldn’t be a pawn to Dandy OR his written fate, here he would carve something new.

So he jumped the counter, and ran forward, his heart beating, flowing, pumping. His mind rushed, but he would be brave despite it all.

The hand on the door slammed it open. His eyes looking for the toon.

But they met red.

Red glowing light.

Dandy stood, at the far end of the wall, admiring a portrait.

“Beautiful? Isn’t it?” Dandy chuckled, gleefully, as if nothing was wrong.

Sprout felt sick, and nauseous, as if a stone had been dropped in his gut. He stumbled back, his eyes wide, face stark.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

It was an image of him. Larger of him, reaching the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the floor, scattered pieces of his script, and his art hung along with it. Dark, black stains of ichor coated it, swirling around as if painted by hand.

“What.” Sprout’s voice cracked, true primal fear instilled in him. “What. Did you do to me?”

Dandy turned, smiling, innocent. No guilt. No remorse. Just pure. Joy, a smile stretched. He was happy. Truly happy.

“Oh, Sprout. You're going to be beautiful.” Dandy sighed, wistfully, as if recalling a dream.

Sprout crouched like an animal, confronting a distorted image of himself.

“Don’t be frightened now. This is only the beginning.” Dandy spread his arms, like a pastor giving a sermon. “I will help you. I will help you all—your shepherd.”

“Those things- What I thought- What I said- Cosmo is my friend. He's my best friend- he’s my-” Sprout yelled, as he stomped forward. “I wouldn’t have never- Not-”

“CAN’T YOU SEE- can’t you see-” The flower whined, begging, pleading. “Your- part of something. Greater- so much so!” He stepped forward.

“You are a MONSTER!” Sprout cried, through half-choked sobs. “You're terrible! I want nothing to do with you- or your plan! I don’t care! I won't let you turn me into something I'm not! I never want to hurt Cosmo like that again!” Sprout dropped his head, tears blurring his vision until he saw a red haze.

“I AM DEVOTED!” Dandy snarled. His hand shot out to grip Sprout by the neck, twisting. “I AM DEVOTED-” He spat, his fists clenched around Sprout’s neck.

Such strength made the poor berry flail in fear, his hands uselessly batting the air around him as his feet kicked, attempting to find purchase.

“WHO DO YOU THINK WILL SAVE YOU? WHO WILL HELP YOU- YOU PATHETIC-” Dandy pressed further, crushing where Sprout’s windpipe would be. Dandy let a bark of laughter.

“Do you think your handler will save you?” His voice dropped to a harsh whisper, over the sounds of Sprout’s struggle for survival. “The other toons? That THEY can decide your fate?” He shook Sprout violently.

Sprout cried and hiccuped, the red of the room disorienting him.

“I AM MAKING YOU WHOLE.” Dandy cried, fury coating his voice. “YOU WILL SAVE YOURSELF FROM THIS RUBBLE.” Dandy roared, continuing his manic display of power. “Can’t you see? We can RISE above all this- ABOVE them all.”

“Ph-phu*ckh- PLEASE!” Sprout sobbed, his paws went to claw at Dandy’s large claws. “You're hurting me Dandy- please- let me gg-go!” He felt his vision haze, the edges turning darker.

Dandy released him.

Sprout heaved and sputtered, a rush of air filling his worn lungs as he rolled over, clutching his stomach. Clean spittle poured from his mouth as he struggled to breathe again, he gasped, flinching with pain as his lungs expanded.

“Just as I suspected.” Dandy flexed his claws, sharper, and larger than before, veins on his hand protruding as dark ichor flowed through them. “A weakling-. Like the lot of them.” He turned to look at where Sprout huddled in his fetal position, face stark with disgust.

“I thought you would be better… Sprout…” Dandy said, almost pleading, as he crawled back to Sprout’s trembling form. “You were so… perfect.” The toon sighed, wistful.

A hand reached out to brush the stems that stuck to Sprout's forehead, tenderly wiping the sweat. “The perfect blank slate… I would have made you greater than you could ever comprehend.”

Sprout sniffled in response, hugging himself, shaking as he felt Dandy.

“I’ll only give you this offer once, Sprout,” Dandy said, voice like honey. “Join me.”

A beat of silence permeated Sprout’s struggle.

“P-please” Sprout strained, pushing his raw voice to the limits. “Please. I won’t tell anyone. Let me go- I- I won’t let anyone know I helped you.”

A growl filled the air as Dandy tilted his head. “Do you think abandoning will absolve you of what you've done? You only further pushed me in my endeavors.” He let out a rattling hiss. “And the disgusting display of your weak resolve only cements my truth.”

Sprout turned to Dandy. “Please- Don’t hurt Cosmo-” He gasped, his breath hitching.

Dandy's face fell completely flat. No expression as he stared down.

“Too much for your mind to comprehend. I see.” His gaze shifted, staring ahead. “Still wanting to protect that… thing. After everything? Hmm.” Dandy gave a nasty smile. “I see. I see.”

“Well. None of your predetermined attachments will matter much soon.” Dandy stepped over Sprout’s body.

“Go.” He said over his shoulder, his eyes trained on the portrait of Sprout. “Before I change my mind.”

Sprout quickly scrambled, pushing his beaten body up, using all his momentum to push past the steel doors and into the lobby. He stumbled out, he rubbed at his neck, panting.

The lobby was in perfect order, a fun tune jingled on the wind.

The train rushed by, bringing a cold rush of air with it.

Normal. Everything here was in place, everything undisturbed, unaware of the shifting in Sprout's mind.

Sprout raised his scarf to hide the red welts across his neck.

He stood still. There was nothing he could do, nothing to stop this.

Maybe he could find Cosmo. Apologize. Reconcile, before the inevitable came.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.