Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue · 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (1)

DR-309650 R. 01/18

Rule 12B-5.150

Florida Administrative Code Effective ##/##

EDI Technical Implementation Guide

May 2017

ANSI ASC X12 V.4030 (Adapted from the FTA Electronic Combined Reporting Methods Implementation Guide)

Motor and Other Fuel Taxes

Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (2)


Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. 1-5 General and Tax Specific Instructions……….……………………………………. 1-5 File Submission ………….……………………………………………………… 1-5 Contact Information …………….…………………………………………….…. 1-6 Understanding EDI …………………………………………………………….... 1-7 EDI 813 Versions ……………………………………………………………….. 1-7 EDI File Naming Convention ………………………………………………….... 1-8 EDI File Structure ……………………………………………………………….. 1-8 Available EDI Filing …………………………………………………………….. 1-8 EDI Timely Filing ……………………………………………………………...... 1-8 EDI Test Process Filing Procedures…….……………………………………...... 1-10 EDI Production Filing Procedures …….………………………………………… 1-11 Acknowledgements and Reports………………………………………………… 1-12 Chapter 2 - Motor and Other Fuels X12 Data Model……………… 2-13

Chapter 3 - X12 Attribute and Separator Conventions …………… 3-14

Chapter 4 - X12 EDI Envelope…………………………………………... 4-15 Envelope Flows………………………………………………………………...... 4-15 Interchange Control Header Description………………………………………… 4-16 Functional Group Header Description…………………………………………… 4-16 Functional Group Trailer Description …………………………………………… 4-17 Interchange Control Trailer Description …………...……………………………. 4-17

Chapter 5 - 813 EDI Combined Reporting ……….……………….….. 5-18 ANSI ASC X12 - 813 EDI Standard……………………………………………. 5-18 813 Structure .…….…………………………………………………………….... 5-20 813 Map Flow……………………………………………………………………. 5-21 813 EDI Map - FTA Motor Fuel Tax Section Uniformity Committee………...... 5-22 Terminal Operator (TOR) Transaction Set - Header Description (TOR) ………………………………….... 5-23 Transaction Set - Report Information (TOR)………….……………………….... 5-27 Summary Information (TOR)……………………………………………………. 5-28 Schedules (TOR)………………………………………………………………… 5-29 Transaction Set - Trailer Description (TOR) ……………………………………. 5-33 Terminal Supplier (SDR) Transaction Set - Header Description (SDR)……………………………………. 5-34 Transaction Set - Terminal Supplier Report (SDR)……………………………... 5-38 Summary Information (SDR)……………………………………………………. 5-39 Schedules (SDR)…………………………………………………………………. 5-41 Transaction Set - Trailer Description (SDR) ……………………………………. 5-45

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Chapter 6 - 997 Functional Acknowledgement …….………………... 6-46 ANSI ASC X12 - 997 EDI Standard ……………………………………………. 6-46 997 EDI Map ………………………………………………………………….… 6-47 Transaction Set - Header Description ………………………………………….... 6-47 Transaction Set - Trailer Description ..……………………………………….… 6-49 Florida Functional Acknowledgement Overview………………………………... 6-50 Appendix A - Florida Schedule……………………………………………….…. 6-51 Appendix B - Florida Product Codes……………………………………………. 6-53 Appendix C - Summary Codes/ TIA Codes …………………………………… 6-54 Appendix D - Transaction Type Modes Codes…….……………………………. 6-55 Appendix E - US States, Provinces/Territories Codes and FL County Codes…... 6-56 Appendix F - Software Edits ..………………………………………………….. 6-57 Appendix G - Return and Schedule Formatting Requirements………………….. 6-57 Appendix H - Sample and Example EDI Files

Operator EDI File………………………………………………… 6-58 Supplier EDI File……………………………………………….… 6-59 Supplier File and Pay …………………………………………….. 6-60 Supplier File Only………………………………………………… 6-61 Supplier Payment Only…………………………………………… 6-62 Supplier No Activity Filing…………………………………….… 6-62 TFS and FSG Looping Structure……………………………….… 6-62

Appendix I - SecureNet Instructions…………………………………………….. 6-65

Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (4)



ASC X12 The Accredited Standards Committee Subcommittee – X12G – Government Task Group 2 (X12G/TG12) Tax Information Interchange Development TIGERS World Wide Web site: http://www.x12.org

ASC X12 Standards Manual Publications Manager Publications Department Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) 333 John Carlyle Street, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-548-7005 Fax: 703-548-5738 Email: [emailprotected] World Wide Web site: http://www.disa.org

FTA Uniformity Guide Motor Fuel Tax Section, Uniformity Project Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA) 444 N. Capitol St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 Contact: Cindy Anders –Robb Phone: (307) 632-4144 Fax (307) 632-3234 Email: [emailprotected] World Wide Web site: http://www.taxadmin.org

It is recommended that you refer to the FTA Uniformity Guide to implement the Motor Fuels Uniformity methods.



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Chapter 1 - Introduction The Florida Department of Revenue (FDOR) has established an electronic file and pay program for Terminal Operators and Terminal Suppliers. Florida law requires licensed terminal operators and terminal suppliers to file and pay electronically. In addition to all other penalties, a $5,000 penalty is imposed on each return that is not filed electronically within 90 days of notification by the Department. More information and resources on fuel taxes are available on the FDOR website at: http://floridarevenue.com/taxes/taxesfees/Pages/default.aspx. Current and historic tax and interest rates are available on the FDOR website at: http://floridarevenue.com/taxes/taxesfees/Pages/tax_interest_rates.aspx.

Purpose The Florida Department of Revenue (FDOR) has established an electronic file and pay program for fuel taxes using an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) format. The transmission methods are uploading via SecureNet. This user guide follows version 4030 of the EDI ANSI ASC X12 standards. The purpose of this guide is to provide software developers and electronic filers with the necessary information to successfully implement the state electronic filing program and identifies those items which are unique to the electronic filing of the Florida fuel taxes.

General and Tax Specific Instructions You may find general and tax specific instructions for the Terminal Supplier (DR-309631N) and Terminal Operator (DR-309636N) forms on the Department’s website at http://floridarevenue.com/Pages/forms_index.aspx. Please note the unique filing requirements pertaining to summary transactions, conversions, and blends of reportable and non-reportable product types. Note: The last digit in the quantity field will be treated as a tenth (.1) gallon. Whole numbers must be padded with a zero to reflect the tenth.

File Submission Access SecureNet on the FDOR File and Pay webpage at: http://floridarevenue.com/dor/eservices/filepay.html. Look for the heading “Upload a File Using SecureNet…,” then select Fuel Tax – Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier. Note: See Appendix I - SecureNet Instructions. To transmit a file using SecureNet: • Click on the “MyFlorida” image. • If you are a new user, click on the “New User” Button. o Fill in the necessary information and click on the submit button. Your Password will be mailed to you via the

e-mail address you entered. Once you have retrieved your password, you will enter your UserID and Password as a “Registered User”.

• Enter your UserID and Password and click “Login”. • At the top of this page, select “SendFile”. • Select “Fuel (terminal operators & suppliers)”. • Select “Production” or “Test Only”. • Click the “Click to Continue!” button. • Select “Browse” and browse to and select your file, and click the “Upload File” button.

To access acknowledgements and manifests using SecureNet:

• Click on the “MyFlorida” image. • Enter your UserID and Password and click “Login”. • At the top of this page, select “ReceiveFile”. • Select and ‘open’ or ‘save’ the document you wish to download.

Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (6)


Contact Information For assistance with tax specific questions please call Taxpayer Services at: 850-488-6800.

For assistance with technical issues or testing, contact the Business Technology Office: o Email: [emailprotected].

Florida Department of Revenue Website:

o www.floridarevenue.com. State of Florida Website:

o www.myflorida.com.


Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (7)


Understanding EDI EDI is used extensively in industry. For example, the retail and manufacturing industries cut purchase orders, send invoices, process shipping notifications, and make payments; all electronically. The time saved and accuracy gained using EDI gives businesses a competitive advantage, reducing lead-time, and vastly reducing data entry errors. It also reduces the need to store reams of paper documents for future reference.

EDI may seem complex, but once the basics are understood, the concept is quite simple. As stated earlier, EDI is a method to electronically exchange business documents using a standard format. To facilitate this exchange of documents, two things are needed. First, the taxpayer needs a method to send and receive electronic documents. Second, the taxpayer needs software to translate schedules and returns into the standard EDI format.

EDI 813 Version Florida is using the ANSI ASC X12 Version Release 004030 EDI standards for the EDI 813 (Electronic Filing of User Return Data) transaction set. Many states have implemented, or are planning on implementing, the EDI 813 for filing fuel tax returns. Previous releases of the EDI 813 transaction set allowed for individual state variations in EDI filing. Version 4030 promotes uniformity in filing fuel tax returns. As states migrate to the 4030 version, filers will be able to create a more generic EDI map, reducing the effort needed to track individual state variations.

FL DOR manually

inputs return

FL DOR System

FL DOR Computer

Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue· 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (8)


EDI File Naming Convention The EDI file should be named using the following conventions:

EDI File Naming will follow the format of FLccyymmAAAAA “FL” is the state abbreviation “ccyymm” is reporting year and month “AAAAA” is a state assigned company name abbreviation (use the Default “FLTRUEX12”) if one has not been


Examples: FL200903PETRC “FL” for Florida “2009” for the year the return is being filed “03” for the month the return is being filed “PETRC” represents Petroleum Company

Florida Department of Revenue prefers to receive all returns (the Terminal Supplier Fuel Tax Return, and Terminal Operator Information Return, in a single file (using separate 813 Transaction Sets). However, the filer can choose to send the Terminal Supplier Fuel Tax Return and Terminal Operator Information in separate files.

EDI File Structure Each 813 (return) must be submitted with its own ST loop (ST segment through SE segment). Multiple ST-SE loops can be submitted under one ISA envelope or each can be sent under a separate ISA envelope. Please remember, the ISA15 controls the test/production indicator; test and production returns cannot be combined under the same ISA envelope.

Available EDI Filing Initially, the following returns may be filed via EDI:

Form DR-309636 - Terminal Operator Information Return Form DR-309631 - Terminal Supplier Fuel Tax Return

EDI Timely Filing Payments: Payments are due on the first day of the month following the collection period. Your payment is late if you do not initiate your payment by 5:00 p.m., E.T., on the 19th day of the month following the collection period. If the 19th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday, your payment must be initiated by 5:00 p.m., E.T., on the business day prior to the Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday.

Due to federal security requirements, we cannot process international ACH transactions. This applies to any portion of the money used in the payment coming from any financial institution located outside of the US or its territories.

Returns: Returns are due on the 1st day of the month following the collection period. Your return is late if filed after 5:00, Eastern Time on the 20th day of the month following the collection period. If the 20th is a Saturday, Sunday, state holiday or federal holiday, your return and payment must be delivered or postmarked on the next business day, even if no tax is due.

Payments and Returns: Return and payment information are due to the Department on the 1st day of the month following the collection period. If you are electronically filing a return and making your payment at the same time (i.e., using the Department's Internet file-and-pay site), your file-and-pay submission must be completed by 5:00 p.m., E.T., on the 19th day of the month following the collection period. If the 19th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday, the file-and-pay submission must be received by 5:00 p.m., E.T., on the business day prior to the Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday.

For specific due dates on electronic returns and payments for the current year, refer to the Florida e-Services Programs Calendar of Due Dates (Form DR-659).

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Weekend and Holiday Schedule If a return due date falls on a holiday or weekend, the return is due no later than the first business day after the holiday or weekend. This requires you to initiate the electronic transmission no later than the last business day prior to the holiday/weekend. Timely returns are based on the date of receipt of the electronic return by the Florida Department of Revenue.

Holiday Schedule New Year's Day Martin L. King Day Presidents’ Day Memorial Day - Last Monday in May Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving - Friday following Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day

NOTE: Department of Revenue Holiday - When a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday. When a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday.

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EDI Test Process Filing Procedures Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier taxpayers must submit a (GT-400401) Registration Package for Motor Fuel and/or Pollutants Registrants which includes the (DR-600) Enrollment and Authorization for e-Services form. All Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier taxpayers are given 90 days to successfully complete the Department’s testing process and begin submitting returns electronically. Upon receiving notification of registration approval, begin your testing process by following the instructions below.

• Contact the Department of Revenue Business Technology office at: [emailprotected].

o Include the following in your email communication. Your business name, contact information, FEIN and license type. If you plan to use off-the-shelf software, or if you will be developing an in-house process. Whether your prior returns:

include transactions, receipts or disbursem*nts - or - are ‘No Activity” zero returns.

• Create your user access to the Department’s secure website (SecureNet).

o Access SecureNet on the FDOR File and Pay webpage at: http://floridarevenue.com/dor/eservices/filepay.html. Look for the heading “Upload a File Using SecureNet,” then select Fuel Tax – Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier.

Taxpayers who have filed paper returns that contain transactions, receipts or disbursem*nts will test by creating electronic returns that contain the same data.

o The test returns submitted must represent two original filings for the most recent months. o The Department requires test returns to include: beginning and ending inventory figures for the first test cycle; detail transactions for each schedule and product type that you report; credit memos issued by the Department (if applicable); penalty and interest (if applicable).

o Email copies of your paper returns, your manifest and return PDFs created by your software and the SecureNet system to: [emailprotected].

Taxpayers who have filed paper returns that contain no transactions, no receipts AND no disbursem*nts will test by creating electronic returns using the Department’s test script(s).

Test scripts are available from the Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier tax pages. o The test returns submitted must represent one original filing for the most recent month. o The Department requires beginning and ending inventory figures. o Email copies of the return PDF created by your software, your submission manifest and return PDF created

by the SecureNet system to: [emailprotected].

All test submissions should have: o Usage Indicator “T”, (Test). o Transaction Set Purpose Code “00” (Original Return).

Test submissions are processed each business day.

o Download your 997 acknowledgment to be certain your test has passed the initial edits. o Manifests are typically available the day you receive the 997 (usually within 24 hours) o A return confirmation PDF is available after 5:00 ET for all returns that passed all edits. o If you have a problem with any aspect of your transmission, email [emailprotected].

Note: See Acknowledgements on page 2-11 for more details. Test returns that produce error free manifests will be reviewed. You will be notified of your results, and continued testing may be required. Please note: It is not uncommon to repeat this phase several times, and assistance will be provided as needed.

After you have successfully completed all phases of the test, you will be notified in writing that you can begin filing in production.





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EDI Production Filing Procedures After you have received notification in writing that you are approved for electronic filing, you can begin production EDI filing using SecureNet. Paper returns should not be submitted after you begin your production EDI filing. Filing Status To identify the filing status of Production or Test, the State of Florida will utilize the Interchange Control Header, Usage Indicator field.

o Usage Indicator “P”, (Production Data). For details on Interchange Segment Usage Indicator, see: Interchange Control Header Description, Interchange Segment, Usage Indicator field – page 4-16. Note: Any file submitted as Test in the SecureNet system that contains a “P” will reject, and any file submitted as Production SecureNet system that contains a “T” will reject as well. Transaction Types

To identify the EDI file types, the State of Florida will utilize Transaction Set Purpose Code of “Original Return” and “Replace Return”, and Transaction type code of “Supplemental”. • Transaction set purpose code type “00” (Original Return) will be used when transmitting the first return for a

collection period. Files designated as an original return and rejected for EDI syntax errors shall be resubmitted as an Original Return.

• Transaction set purpose code type “05” (Replace Return) will be used to replace the original return. The

Department will temporary hold (stop processing) your file if non-critical errors are discovered and your file was transmitted prior to the payment settlement date (electronic payments included) or due date (return only). You may submit a replacement file to correct any errors up until 5:00pm, Eastern Standard Time on the last business day prior to the payment settlement date (electronic payments included) or due date (return only), whichever occurs first. The original return with non-critical errors will be processed if a replacement file is not received by the settlement or due date.

• Transaction type code “6S” will be used when transmitting a supplemental return. A supplemental return is

any data reported to the Florida Department of Revenue that adjusts or corrects an original user filing. The values listed within a supplemental return must reflect only the difference between the original or last filing and the corrected filing. Corrections to understated gallons or additional transactions not included on the original return shall be reported as positive values. Erroneously reported gallons or overstated transactions included on the original return shall be reported as negative values.

Do not use transaction type “6S” if:

o you have not filed an original return for the applicable collection period, or o you have filed an original return that was rejected due to an EDI syntax error, or o you have filed an original return with non-critical errors that is currently on-hold pending a replacement

file and the current date is prior to the settlement or due date. For details on Transaction Set Purpose Code and Transaction Type Code, see: Terminal Operator Transaction Set Header Description – page 5-23 and/or Terminal Supplier Transaction Set Header Description – page 5-34.

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Acknowledgments and Reports The SecureNet system provides courtesy emails for production and test submissions.

1. Received File Trace Number email, signifying that a file has been uploaded to a directory. Usually sent and/or received within the same business day. Note: You can access File Trace information on SecureNet system, by selecting ‘ViewLog’.

2. File ready for review email, notification that manifest(s) have been created and are available. The SecureNet system generates messages or reports for each file received and processed.

These are loaded to your SecureNet account, accessible from ‘ReceiveFile’ directory.

1. 997 Functional Acknowledgement - Once your EDI file has completed the translation process, a 997 Functional Acknowledgement is produced. This report (EDI 997) details the results of the translator formatting verification. Receipt of an EDI 997 only signifies that the EDI filing was received by BSWA. It does not mean the electronic return was accepted by the Department.

• If the EDI file fails the translator syntax / formatting verification, the file is rejected. You will be emailed a

reject notification and reject report stating the reject reason. You must make corrections and resubmit your file.

• If the EDI file passed the translator syntax / formatting verification, then schedule and return data is validated for accuracy. A manifest detailing the results of the validation process is produced.

Refer to Chapter 6 for additional details regarding the 997 Functional Acknowledgment.

2. Manifest - Once your EDI file has completed the validation of schedule and return data, a report is produced

stating whether the file was accepted or failed. Any exceptions identified during the review of the receipt and disbursem*nt schedules are listed as either a critical error message or a compliance notice. All manifests are produced in two formats, text and csv. Both are loaded to your SecureNet account ‘ReceiveFile’ directory.

• If the file is accepted, then the manifest includes a confirmation number, but may include compliance

notice warning messages. Note: Compliance notice messages are prefixed with (W) and represent questionable data that does not typically appear with the schedule and product code provided. Compliance notices will not prevent the Department from processing the file. However, compliance notices should be reviewed to determine if a mistake was made on the return. Correct mistakes by filing a supplemental return prior to the due date of the return.

• If the file fails due to critical errors, then the manifest includes all critical error codes and any compliance

notice warning messages. Note: Critical error messages are prefixed with (E) and represent errors that cause an uploaded file to fail. Errors within the data must be corrected before the Department can process the file.

3. Return PDF. 4. Reject notification email. Overview of timeline. EDI files are processed through the translator and SecureNet validation system each business day. Weekend and Holiday processing may be take slightly longer.

• The Received File Trace Number email should be available the day of uploading a file. • The 997 Functional Acknowledgement will be available within 2 working days of transmitting your file. • The Manifests are typically available the day you receive the 997. • The Return PDF is available after 5:00 PM ET the day the manifest with confirmation number is available. • Reject notification emails and reports may take up to 2 business days.

Note: See Appendix I - SecureNet Instructions.

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Chapter 2 - Fuels X12 Data Model

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813- Tax Information Exchange

Chapter 3 - X12 Attribute and Separator Conventions

Attributes Attribute Definition Data Element Type Nn – Numeric Numeric type data element is symbolized by the two-position

representation (Nn). N indicates a numeric, and n indicates the decimal places to the right of a fixed, implied decimal point. N0 (N Zero) is a numeric with no decimal places.

R – Decimal (Real) The decimal point is optional for integer values, but is required for fractional values. For negative values, the leading minus (-) sign is used. Absence of this sign indicates a positive value. The plus (+) sign should not be transmitted. Note: Implied decimal for gallons. Explicit decimals for dollars.

ID – Identifier An identifier data element must always contain a value from a predefined list of values that is maintained by ASC X12 or by other bodies that are recognized by ASC X12.

AN – String A string (Alphanumeric) is a sequence of any characters from the basic or extended character sets. It must contain at least one non-space character. The significant characters must be left justified. Leading spaces, if any, are assumed to be significant. Trailing spaces should be suppressed.

DT – Date Format for the date type is CCYYMMDD. CC is the century digits of the year (ex. 19, 20). YY is the last two digits of the year (00-99), MM is the numeric value of the month (01-12), and DD for the day (01-31).

TM – Time Format for the time type is HHMMSS, expressed in 24-hour clock format. HH is the numeric value for hour (00-23), MM for minute (00-59), and SS for second (00-59).

Requirement Designator Defines how the data element is used in a segment. M Mandatory data element - This element is required to appear in the segment. O Optional data element - The appearance of this data element is at the option of the

sending party or is based on a mutual agreement of the interchange parties.

X Relational data element - Relational conditions may exist between two or more data elements. If one is present, the other/s is required. The relational condition is displayed under the Syntax Noted of the X12 Standards.

Data Element Length The number of character positions assigned to a data element. Example: Data element length of 2/10. You must have at least 2 characters but no more than 10 characters for this element (minimum of 2/ maximum of 10).

Semantic Note Designator

Z – Designator A data element within a segment may have a designator (Z) that indicates the existence of a semantic note. Semantic notes are considered part of the standard. If a condition designator and a semantic note both affect a single data element, the condition will appear first, separated from the semantic note designator by a vertical bar (|). The number 00 to the left of the comment identifies semantic notes that are general in nature.

Separator Requirements Type ASCII Value EBCDIC Value Character Character Name Repetition Separator 7C 4F | Pipe Segment Terminator 5C E0 \ Back Slash Element Separator 7E A1 ~ Tilde Sub-element Separator 5E 5F ^ Caret Padding Character 20 40 Space Space

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Chapter 4 - X12 EDI Envelope

Envelope Flows

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EDI 813 Mapping

Key: Not Used Not used: no data to transmit Syntax Notes Note: Notes defined by X12 Standards FTA Notes Note: Notes defined by FTA Uniformity FL Notes Note: Notes defined by Florida Department of Revenue. Struck-out Text Text, elements or entire segments that are struck out (example), are part of the Uniform map, but are not used by Florida.

Interchange Control Header Description Interchange Segment (Required) Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min. Max.

ISA01 I01 M Authorization Information Qualifier

ID 2 2 “00” = No Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information In Isa02)

ISA02 I02 M Authorization Information AN 10 10 Spaces ISA03 I03 M Security Information Qualifier ID 2 2 “00” = No Security Information Present

(No Meaningful Information In ISA 04) ISA04 I04 M Security Information AN 10 10 Spaces. ISA05 I05 M Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2 2 32” = Employer’s Identification Number ISA06 I06 M Interchange Sender ID AN 15 15 Fuel License Number (FEIN) ISA07 I05 M Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2 2 “ZZ” = Mutually defined identifier follows ISA08 I07 M Interchange Receiver ID AN 15 15 See note “FL0096” ISA09 I08 M Interchange Date DT 6 6 “YYMMDD” = Date Of The Interchange ISA10 I09 M Interchange Time TM 4 4 “HHMM” = Time Of The Interchange ISA11 I65 M Repetition Separator 1 1 “|” = EBCDIC - 4F

HEX ASCII - 7C ISA12 I11 M Interchange Control

Version Number ID 5 5 “00403”

ISA13 I12 M Interchange Control Number N0 9 9 The interchange control number that you assign. ISA14 I13 M Acknowledgment Requested ID 1 1 “0” = No Acknowledgment Required

“1” = Acknowledgment Required ISA15 I14 M Usage Indicator ID 1 1 “P” = Production Data

“T” = Test Data ISA16 I15 M Component Sub-

Element Separator 1 1 “^” = EBCDIC – 5F

HEX ASCII – 5E ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~590000032 ~ZZ~ FL0096 ~070518~1045~|~00403~000000001~0~T~^\

Syntax Notes: ISA08 is defined in the map. ISA 06 and GS02 are provided by the Taxpayer. ISA13 - Note: This number must always increment by at least one digit even if it is a corrected file to be resubmitted.

FTA Note: ISA09 does not include the century based on the ANSI ASC X12 Standard.

Functional Group Header Description Functional Group Segment (Required) Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min. Max.

GS01 479 M Functional Identifier Code ID 2 2 “TF” for 813 Transaction Set “FA” for 997 Transaction Set

GS02 142 M Application Sender’s Code AN 9 9 Fuel License Number (FEIN)

GS03 124 M Application Receiver’s Code AN 2 15 “8504145792”

GS04 373 M/Z Date DT 8 8 “CCYYMMDD” = Date

GS05 337 M/Z Time TM 4 8 “HHMMSSDD” = Time

GS06 28 M/Z Group Control Number N0 1 9 Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender.

GS07 455 M Responsible Agency Code ID 1 2 “X” = ASC X12 GS08 480 M Version/Release/Industry

Identification Code AN 1 12 “004030”

GS~TF~590000032~8504145792~20070518~1045~000000032~X~004030\ Syntax Notes: ISA06 and GS02 are provided by the Taxpayer. FTA Note: None

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Functional Group Trailer Description Functional Group Segment (Required) Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min. Max.

GE01 97 M Number of Transaction Sets Included

N0 1 6 Count of transaction sets within this GS/GE.

GE02 28 M/Z Group Control Number N0 1 9 Must equal GS06

GE~1~000000032\ Syntax Notes: None FTA Note: None

Interchange Control Trailer Description Interchange Segment (Required) Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Descriptio

Min. Max.

ISA01 I16 M Number of Included Functional Groups

N0 1 5 Count of Function Groups within this ISA/IEA.

ISA02 I12 M Interchange Control Number N0 9 9 Must equal ISA13

IEA~10~000000001\ Syntax Notes: You must send a separate ISA-IEA for each return/record type.

You may transmit them separately or together. FTA Note: None

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813- Tax Information Exchange

Chapter 5 - 813 EDI Combined Reporting

ANSI ASC X12 – 813 EDI Standard

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1 Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc. (DISA)

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813- Tax Information Exchange

813 Structure Struck-out Text Text, elements or entire segments that are struck out (example), are part of the Uniform map,

but are not used by Florida Table1 Pos No

Uniform 813



0100 ST Transaction Set Header 0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information 0300 DTM Tax Filing Period 0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority's Implementation Guide 0400 TIA Confidential Information 0400 TIA Total Net Reported 0430 REF Sequence ID Number 0500 N1 Taxpayer Name Detail 0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail 0800 N3 Address Detail 0900 N4 City, State, Zip Code Detail 1000 PER General Contact Person 1000 PER EDI Contact Person 0500 N1 Mailing Name Detail 0600 N2 Additional Mailing Name Detail 0800 N3 Mailing Address Detail 0900 N4 Mailing City State Zip Code Detail

Table 2 Pos No

Uniform 813


0100 TFS Terminal Operator Report

Supplier/Distributor Report

Common Carrier Report

Summary Information


0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction

Relationship to the Transaction

Relationship to the Transaction

Relationship to the Transaction

Relationship to the Transaction

0200 REF Sequence ID Number Sequence ID Number

Sequence ID Number Sequence ID Number

Sequence ID Number

0200 REF No Activity No Activity No Activity 0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date Ending Inventory


0500 N1 Point of Origin 0500 N1 Seller Information

0500 N1 Position holder Information

0500 N1 Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)

0500 N1 Carrier Information

0500 N1 Buyer/Consignee Information

0500 N1 Point of Destination

0920 TIA Total Due Total Delivered

1000 FGS Physical Inventory by Product

Physical Inventory by Product

Summary Data Bill of Lading

1100 REF Sequence ID Number Sequence ID Number

Sequence ID Number Sequence ID Number

1200 DTM Bill of Lading Date 1800 TIA Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Information Bill of Lading Net 1800 TIA Interest Bill of Lading Gross 1800 TIA Penalty Bill of Lading Billed

Table 3 Pos No

Uniform 813


0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

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813 Map Flow

813- Tax Information Exchange

0100 0200 0300 0400 0400 0430 0470

ST Transaction Set Header (TS 813) Max 1



N1 Loop 0600 N2

Identify Tax Agency Information Tax Filing Period Confidential Information Total Net Reported Line Item Control Number Payment Order/Remittance Advice

Taxpayer Name Detail Additional Taxpayer Name Detail Address Detail City, State, Zip Code Detail General Contact Person EDI Contact Person

Mailing Name Detail Additional Mailing Name Detail Mailing Address Detail Mailing City, State, Zip Code Detail

Max 1

0800 0900 1000 1000

0500 0600 0800 0900


N1 Loop N2 N3 N4

Max 1

0100 0200 0200 0200 0300 0300 0920



Report Information Relationship to the Transaction Information Sequence Number No Activity Sold/Purchased Date Ending Inventory Date Total Due/Transported

Max 100,000


Physical Inventory by Product Sequence Number TOR Position Holder Information Physical Inventory

Max 100,000 1100 1300 1800

0100 0200 0200 1000

TFS Loop Summary Information Max 100,000 REF REF

Relationship to the Transaction Information Sequence Number

1100 1800 1800 1800


Summary Data Sequence Number Information Interest Penality

Max 100,000

0100 TFS Loop

0200 REF 0200 REF 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1 0500 N1


Relationship to the Transaction Information Sequence Number Point of Origin Seller Information Position Holder Information / Delivering Exchange Party Information Receiving Exchange Party Information Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor) Carrier Information Buyer/Consignee Information Point of Destination

1000 FGS Loop 1100 REF 1200 DTM 1800 TIA 1800 TIA 1800 TIA

Bill Lading Sequence Number Bill of Lading Date Bill of Lading Net Bill of Lading Gross Bill of Lading Billed

Max 100,000

0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer


um N

umber of TFS Loops = 100,000

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813 EDI Map

FTA Motor Fuel Tax Section Uniformity Committee

The Combined Reporting map is based on Uniform Forms adopted by the Uniformity Committee of the Motor Fuel Tax Section of the Federation of Tax Administrators. This Map is consistent with ANSI ASC X12 version 4030 standards. Any taxing authority implementing EC programs is asked to utilize this document when mapping their fuel tax.

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Terminal Operator Transaction Set - Header Description

Beginning of Transaction Set Header Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

ST01 143 M Transaction Set Code ID 3 3 Transaction Set Type “813”

ST02 329 X Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Filer defined unique control number (same value as SE02)

ST03 1705 O/Z Identification Code AN 1 5 Version of taxing authority’s implementation guide. (20071)

ST~813~1001~20071\ Syntax Notes: None FTA Note: It is recommended that the ST03 be used to help identify which implementation guide the trading partner is using.

This element will help the receiver of the data determine if the sender is using an old guide or the most current guide for the data transmission.

Identify Tax Agency Information Begin Tax Information Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0200

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

BTI01 128 M Reference Number Qualifier ID 2 2 "T6" = Tax Filing BTI02 127 M Reference Number AN 3 3 “050” = All Fuels Tax Filings BTI03 66 M ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 "47" = Tax Authority BTI04 67 M ID Code AN 2 20 “FLDOR” BTI05 373 O Transaction Create Date DT 8 8 “CCYYMMDD” = Transmission Date BTI06 818 O Name Control ID AN 4 4 Not Used BTI07 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN BTI08 67 X ID Code AN 9 9 Taxpayer’s FEIN BTI09 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 Not Used BTI10 67 X ID Code AN 2 20 Not Used BTI11 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “SV” = Software Provider Number BTI12 67 X ID Code AN 9 18 Default “FLTRUEX12” BTI13 353 O Transaction Set Purpose Code ID 2 2 Original Filing Options:

“00” = Original “05” = Replace

BTI14 640 O Transaction Type Code ID 2 2 Amended Filing Options: “6S” = Supplemental

BTI~T6~050~47~ FLDOR~20070518~~24~590000031~~~SV~FLTRUEX12~00\

Syntax Notes: If either BTI07 or BTI08 is present, then the other is required. If either BTI09 or BTI10 is present, then the other is required. If either BTI11 or BTI12 is present, then the other is required.

FTA Notes: BTI07 must be the FEIN if the taxpayer has one. Submit a SSN only for sole proprietorships that have not been issued a FEIN. In Canada, companies us a BN – Canadian Business Number. The application of BTI13 and BTI14 are as follows: BTI13 should be used when the taxpayer transmits their initial return (BTI13 should be used without BTI14); BTI14 should be used when the taxpayer transmits modifications (BTI14 should be used without BTI13). This is a recommendation of the Motor Fuel Uniformity Committee, not a requirement of X12. Further clarification of these elements is located below.

Element Application BTI13 [Initial Return] “00” = Original Use “Original” when first attempting to transmit your return to the department, whether the return is

received or not. Always use “00” until the original return is received. “05” - Replace Use “Replace” when original return had corrupted data.

“15” = Resubmission Use “Resubmission” when the Department did not receive first attempt of your transmitted return. BTI14 [Amended Return] “CO” = Corrected Use “Corrected” when adjusting or correcting original or amended return. “6R” = Resubmission Use “Resubmission” when first attempt to transmit amended return was not received by the Department. “6S” = Supplemental Use “Supplemental” when transmitting new or additional data not included in original or replacement return.

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Total Net Reported Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 0400

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Transaction Set Code AN 4 4 “5001” = Total Net Reported

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used. TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Total Number of Net Gallons/Liters in Tax Filing

TIA05 C001 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons TIA~5001~~~1000000~GA\

Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required. If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required.

FTA Notes: Even though this value can be calculated, it is included, as a control figure to verify that the amount calculated by the Tax Authority is the same as expected by the taxpayer.

Tax Filing Period Date/Time Reference Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0300

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 “194” = Tax Period End Date

DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 ”CCYYMMDD” = Tax Filing Period End

DTM03 and DTM04 are not used. DTM05 1250 X Date Time Period Format Qualifier ID 3 3 “RD8” = Range of Dates DTM06 1251 X Date Time Period AN 17 17 “CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD” = Tax Filing

Period Beginning and Ending Dates.

DTM~194~20090531\ Syntax Notes: At least one of DTM02 or DTM05 is required.

If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: If qualifier “194” is used in DTM01, then DTM05 and DTM06 are not used.

If qualifier “683” is used in DTM01, then DTM02 is not used.

Payment Category Reference Number Segment

(Optional – Required when using a BPR Segment) Pos. No. 0430

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “9V” = Payment Category (Type)

REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 1 “1” = Tax Payment “2” = Bill Payment “3” = Audit Payment “4” = (Not Used) “5” = Amended Payment “6” = (Not Used) “7” = (Not Used) “8” = Return Item Payment

REF~9V~3\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required.

Audit Control Number Reference Number Segment

(Required with Audit Payment) Pos. No. 0430

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “X9” = Internal Control Number

REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 9 9 Audit Case Number – Must be 9 digits

REF~X9~123456789\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required.

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Payment Order Remittance Advice Beginning Segment

(Optional – Required when using a BPR Segment) Pos. No. 0470

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

BPR01 305 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 1 2 “I” = Remittance Detail (Filing Only) “D” = Make Payment Only “E” = Debit Advice with Remittance Detail

BPR02 782 M Reference Identification R 1 15 Amount of payment (999.99 - Explicit Decimal) BPR03 478 M ID 1 1 “D” = Debit BPR04 591 M ID 3 3 ‘ACH” = Automated Clearing House BPR05 812 O ID 3 3 “CCD” = Cash Concentration/Disbursem*nt

“CCP” = Cash Concentration/Disbursem*nt plus Addenda (CCD+)

BPR06 through BPR09 are not inserted by the taxpayer. They are on file with the party that creates the ACH Debit transaction. The taxpayer transmits empty fields for these elements.

BPR06 506 X/Z (ODFI) ID Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “01” = ABA Transit Routing Number and Check Digits.

BPR07 507 X (ODFI) Identification Number AN 3 12 State’s Bank Routing and Transit Number BPR08 569 O/Z (ODFI) Account Number Qualifier ID 1 3 “DA” = Demand Deposit

“SG” = Savings BPR09 508 X/Z (ODFI) Account Number AN 1 35 State’s Bank Account Number to be Credited

BPR10 509 O Originating Company Identifier AN 10 10 “7” followed by FEIN

BPR11 510 O Originating Company Supplemental Code

O 9 9 Florida agent = “BSWA”

BPR12 506 X/Z (RDFI) ID Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “01” = ABA Transit Routing Number BPR13 507 X (RDFI) Identification Number AN 9 9 Taxpayer’s Bank Routing and Transit Number BPR14 569 O (RDFI) Account Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “DA” = Demand Deposit

“SG” = Savings BPR15 508 O/Z (RDFI) Account Number AN 1 35 Taxpayer’s Bank Accounted to be Debited BPR16 373 O/Z Date DT 8 8 Settlement effective date (CCYYMMDD) BPR17 1048 O/Z Business Function Code ID 1 3 “TAX” = Tax Payment

BPR~E~999.99~D~ACH~CCD~~~~~7101010101~BSWA ~01~076401251~DA~11223344556677~20090520\ Syntax Notes: If either BPR06 or BPR07 is present, then the other is required.

If BPR08 is present, then BPR09 is required. If either BPR12 or BPR13 is present, then the other is required. If BPR14 is present, then BPR15 is required.

FTA Notes: This segment should not be mandated by a taxing authority.

ODFI (Originating Depository Financial Institution) is the bank that creates the ACH transaction. For debit transactions, this is the state’s Bank. RDFI (Receiving Depository Financial Institution) is the bank that accepts the ACH transaction. For debit transactions, this is the Taxpayer’s Bank.

FL Note: BPR segment not required with Filing Only transaction.

Name Detail Name Segment

Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “TP” = Primary Taxpayer

N102 93 X Name AN 1 35 Taxpayer Name

N1~TP~ABC Distributing\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required. FTA Note: N101: Use “TP” for tax reporting. or “L9” for information reporting.

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General Contact Person Administrative Communications Contact Segment

Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

PER01 366 M Contact Function Code ID 2 2 Contact Type Code: “CN” = General Contact “EA” = EDI Coordinator

PER02 93 O Name AN 1 35 Contact Name PER03 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “TE” = Telephone Number

PER04 364 X Communications Number AN 10 14 Voice Telephone Number

PER05 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “FX” = FAX Number

PER06 364 X Communications Number AN 10 10 FAX Telephone Number

PER07 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “EM” = Electronic Mail

PER08 364 X Communications Number AN 1 50 E-mail Address

PER~CN~Allen [emailprotected]\ Syntax Notes: If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required.

If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required. If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.

FTA Note: None FL Note: The following segments are required if the mailing address is different than the physical address.

End of Transaction Set Header

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Transaction Set – Report Information

This TFS loop reports information on the type of report. Transaction detail is reported using the Summary and Schedule section of this map.

The TFS loop is repeated when reporting information for each report. Repeat the FGS loop within the TFS loop for each product reported.

Beginning of Report Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T2” = Tax Form Code TFS02 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 SDR = Supplier/Distributor Report

TOR = Terminal Operator TFS03 and TFS04 are not used.

TFS05 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code (Used on TOR only) TFS06 67 X ID Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Control Number (TCN)

TFS~T2~TOR~~~TC~T59FL2034\ Syntax Notes: If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Note: TFS05 and TFS06 are only used on a terminal report. Condition 1 – If an account has no activity, this segment is required. The Condition 2 DTM and FGS are not used. No Activity (Conditional) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200 Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

REF01 128 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “BE” = Business Activity REF02 127 X Name AN 1 1 “1” = No Activity

REF~BE~1\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required. FTA Note: If an account has no activity, this segment is required.

Physical Inventory by Product (Conditional) Form Group Segment Pos. No. 1000 Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 2 2 “BI” = Beginning Inventory (First Filing) “EI” = Ending Inventory

FGS02 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 "PG" = Product Group FGS03 127 X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code - See Appendix

FGS~EI~PG~065\ Syntax Notes: If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required. FTA Note: FGS01 – Recommend BI only be used for first filing. Beginning inventory is the previous period’s ending inventory.

FGS01 – GL - TIA04 is Positive for a gain and negative for a loss.

Inventory (Required if FGS is Used) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800 Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5002” = Net Physical Inventory TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 99999 - Implied Decimal Last digit is tenth (.1)

TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons TIA~5002~~~10000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required.

If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required. FTA Note: Physical Inventory is the only value passed. All other information is derivable from schedules.

End of FGS loop (Line item detail) End of TFS loop (TOR detail)

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Summary Information

This TFS loop reports summary information. This TFS loop is used in combination with the SDR report.

Summary information is used when the information can not be derived from the schedule details. This TFS loop repeats when one of the following values change: TFS02 Summary Code, TFS04 Product Code TFS06.

If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Summary Information TFS loop.

Beginning of Summary Information Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T3” = Tax Schedule Code TFS02 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 TFS02 Summary Code

“S02” = Taxes (used for Penalty) “S03A” = Tax Credit ( page 3, line 28)

TFS~T3~S02\ Syntax Notes: If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required.

If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: TFS02 references the report the summary is associated with.

If TFS05 = “94” then TFS06 = “CE”. IF TFS05 = “T2” then TFS06 = Report Code

Summary Data Forms Group Segment Pos. No. 0100 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 1 1 “S” = Schedule Summary

FGS~S\ Syntax Notes: None FTA Notes: None

Penalty Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 5009” = Penalty

TIA02 782 Monetary Amount R 1 15 Dollar Amount (999.99 – Explicit Decimal)

TIA~5009~999.99\ Syntax Notes: TIA02 is required. FTA Notes: None

End of FGS loop (Summary Data) End of TFS loop (Summary Information)

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This TFS loop begins the schedule detail. It repeats when one of the following values change: Tax Form Code, Schedule Code, Mode Code Product Code, Origin, Position Holder, Seller, Consignor, Carrier, Buyer, Consignee or Destination.

If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Schedules TFS loop. You must indicate no activity in the TOR, SDR, CCR and/or other report type sections of this map.

Beginning of Schedules Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T3” = Tax Schedule Code TFS02 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 Schedule Type Code TFS03 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “PG” = Product Group TFS04 127 X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code TFS05 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “94” = Mode TFS06 67 X Identification Code AN 2 2 Transaction Type Mode Code

TFS~T3~15A~PG~065~94~J \ Syntax Notes: If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required.

If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: None.

For Point of Origin/Terminal: (One of the following Options is Required) Use Option 1 when the origin has an IRS TCN. Use Option 2 when the origin does not have an IRS TCN. Use Option 3 when the state requires an origin facility ID.

Option 1 Point of Origin (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 OT” = Origin Terminal

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 3 3 IRS Terminal Code (Code list is located at http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=1 80086,00.html )

N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2109\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required.

FTA Notes: None

Option 2 Point of Origin (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “SF” = Ship From

N102 93 X Name AN 2 2 Reference Appendix E (Non-U.S. use “ZZ”.)

N1~SF~AL\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required.

FTA Notes: None

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Option 3 Point of Origin (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “WO” = Storage Facility at Origin

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “FA” = Facility Identification N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 DEP Facility Number

N1~WO~~FA~479900123\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required. FTA Notes: None Position Holder Information or Delivering Exchange Party Information Name Segment 3 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “ON” = Position Holder

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Position Holder’s FEIN

N1~ON~~24~596888888\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: If reporting position holder or 2-party exchange information this segment is required.

For 2-party exchanges this segment defines the party of origin. N102, N103 and N104 are required.

Carrier Information Name Segment 6 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “CA” = Carrier Name

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Carrier’s FEIN

N1~CA~~24~656666666\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: N102, N103 and N104 are required.

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For Point (Address) of Delivery/Destination: (One of the following Options is Required) Use Option 1 when the destination has an IRS TCN. Use Option 2 when the destination does not have an IRS TCN. Use Option 3 when the state requires a destination facility ID (currently used by the state of Florida).

Option 1 Point of Destination (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 8 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “DT” = Destination Terminal N102 is not used.

N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Code (Code list is located at

http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=1 80086,00.html )

N1~DT~~TC~ T59FL2112\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required. Syntax Notes: N102 is not used. FTA Notes: None

Option 2 Point of Destination (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 8 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “ST” = Ship To N102 93 X Name AN 2 2 Reference Appendix E (Non-U.S. use “ZZ”.)

N1~ST~GA\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required. FTA Notes: None

Option 3 Point of Destination (One of the three options is used) Name Segment 8 Pos. No. 0500 Element

ID Elem Ref. #

Sub-Ele Ref. #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

N101 99 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “WD” = Destination Facility N102 is not used.

N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “FA” = Facility Identification N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 DEP Facility Number

N1~WD~~FA~239802345\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required. FTA Notes: None

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This FGS loop begins the individual shipments within the TFS loop. It is repeated when one of the following values changes: Bill of Lading (Document) Number Bill of Lading Date (Date Shipped) Gallons.

Bill of Lading Date Forms Group Segment

Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 1 1 “D” = Schedule Detail FGS02 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier

ID 2 2 BM” = Bill of Lading Number FGS03 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 10 Bill of Lading Number

FGS~D~BM~00123456\ Syntax Notes: If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: None

Bill of Lading Date Date/Time Reference Segment

Pos. No. 1200

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 “095” = Bill of Lading Date

DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 Bill of Lading Date (CCYYMMDD) DTM~095~20090505\ Syntax Notes: DTM02 is required.

FTA Notes: None

Bill of Lading Net Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5005” = Net

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used. TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 99999 - Implied Decimal

Last digit is tenth (.1)

TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5005~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 and TIA05 are required. FTA Notes: Numbers should be reported as positive for both disbursem*nts and receipts.

End of FGS loop for Individual shipments. End of TFS loop for Schedule.

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Bill of Lading Gross (not used)

Bill of Lading Gross Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5006” = Gross

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5006~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required. If TIA05 is present, then and TIA04 is required. FTA Notes: None

Bill of Lading Billed (not used)

Bill of Lading Billed Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5007” = Billed

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5007~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required. If TIA05 is present, then and TIA04 is required. FTA Notes: None

End of FGS loop for Individual shipments. End of TFS loop for Schedule.

Transaction Set - Trailer Description

End of Transaction Set Trailer Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

SE01 96 M Number of Included Segments NO 1 10 Number of segments (inserted by translator)

SE02 329 M Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Determined by Filer (same value in ST02, unique control number)

SE~156~1001\ Syntax Notes: None

FTA Notes: None End of Transaction Set

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Terminal Supplier

Transaction Set - Header Description

Beginning of Transaction Set Header Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

ST01 143 M Transaction Set Code ID 3 3 Transaction Set Type “813”

ST02 329 M Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Filer defined unique control number (same value as SE02)

ST03 1705 O/Z Implementation Convention Reference

AN 1 5 Version of taxing authority’s implementation guide. (20071)

ST~813~0003~20071\ Syntax Notes: None

FTA Note: It is recommended that ST03 be used to help identify which implementation guide the trading partner is using. This element will help the receiver of the data determine if the sender is using an old guide or the most current guide for the data transmission.

Identify Tax Agency Information (Required) Begin Tax Information Segment Pos. No. 0200 Element

ID Elem Ref #

Sub-Ele Ref #

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Field Description Min Max

BTI01 128 M Reference Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “T6” = Tax Filing BTI02 127 M Reference Number AN 3 3 “050” = All Fuels Tax Filings BTI03 66 M ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “47” = Tax Authority BTI04 67 M ID Code AN 2 20 “FLDOR” BTI05 373 O Transaction Create Date DT 8 8 “CCYYMMDD” = Transmission Date BTI06 818 O Name Control ID AN 4 4 Not Used BTI07 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN BTI08 67 X ID Code AN 9 9 Taxpayer’s FEIN BTI09 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 Not Used BTI10 67 X ID Code AN 2 20 Not Used BTI11 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “SV” = Software Provider Number BTI12 67 X ID Code AN 9 18 Default “FLTRUEX12” BTI13 353 O Transaction Set Purpose Code ID 2 2 Original Filing Options:

“00” = Original “05” = Replace

BTI14 640 O Transaction Type Code ID 2 2 Amended Filing Options: “6S” = Supplemental

BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20090518~~24~590000031~~~SV~ FLTRUEX12~00\ Syntax Notes: If either BTI07 or BTI08 is present, then the other is required.

If either BTI09 or BTI10 is present, then the other is required. If either BTI11 or BTI12 is present, then the other is required.

FTA Notes: BTI07 must be the FEIN if the taxpayer has one. Submit a SSN only for sole proprietorships that have not been issued a FEIN. In Canada, companies us a BN – Canadian Business Number.

The application of BTI13 and BTI14 are as follows: BTI13 should be used when the taxpayer transmits their initial return (BTI13 should be used without BTI14); BTI14 should be used when the taxpayer transmits modifications (BTI14 should be used without BTI13). This is a recommendation of the Motor Fuel Uniformity Committee, not a requirement of X12. Further clarification of these elements is located below. Element Application BTI13 [Initial Return] “00” = Original Use “Original” when first attempting to transmit your return to the department, whether the

return is received or not. Always use “00” until the original return is received. “05” = Replace Use “Replace” when original return had corrupted data. “15” = Resubmission Use “Resubmission” when the Department did not receive first attempt of your transmitted return. BTI14 [Amended Return] “CO” = Corrected Use “Corrected” when adjusting or correcting original or amended return. “6R” = Resubmission Use “Resubmission” when first attempt to transmit amended return was not received by the

“6S” = Supplemental Use “Supplemental” when transmitting new or additional data not included in original or replacement return.

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Total Net Reported Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 0400

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information Code AN 4 4 “5001” = Total Net Reported

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used. TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Total Number of Net Gallons/Liters in Tax Filing

TIA05 C001 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5001~~~1000000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required.

If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required. FTA Notes: Even though this value can be calculated, it is included, as a control figure to verify that the amount calculated by

the Tax Authority is the same as expected by the taxpayer.

Tax Filing Period Date/Time Reference Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0300

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 “194” = Tax Period End Date

DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 ”CCYYMMDD” = Tax Filing Period End

DTM03 and DTM04 are not used.

DTM~194~20090531\ Syntax Notes: At least one of DTM02 or DTM05 is required.

If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: If qualifier “194” is used in DTM01, then DTM05 and DTM06 are not used.

If qualifier “683” is used in DTM01, then DTM02 is not used.

Payment Category Reference Number Segment

(Optional – Required when using a BPR Segment) Pos. No. 0430

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “9V” = Payment Category (Type)

REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 1 “1” = Tax Payment “2” = Bill Payment “3” = Audit Payment “4” = (Not Used) “5” = Amended Payment “6” = (Not Used) “7” = (Not Used) “8” = Return Item Payment

REF~9V~3\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required.

FTA Note: None

Audit Control Number Reference Number Segment

(Required with Audit Payment) Pos. No. 0430

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “X9” = Internal Control Number

REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 9 9 Audit Case Number – Must be 9 digits

REF~X9~123456789\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required.

FTA Note: None

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Payment Order Remittance Advice Beginning Segment

(Optional – Required when using a BPR Segment) Pos. No. 0470

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

BPR01 305 M Transaction Handling Code ID 1




“I” = Remittance Detail (Filing Only) “D” = Make Payment Only “E” = Debit Advice with Remittance Detail

BPR02 782 M Monetary Amount R 1

15 Amount of payment (999.99 - Explicit Decimal) BPR03 478 M Credit/Debit Flag Code ID 1 1 “D” = Debit BPR04 591 M Payment Method Code ID 3 3 ‘ACH” = Automated Clearing House BPR05 812 O Payment Format Code ID 3 3 “CCD” = Cash Concentration/Disbursem*nt

“CCP” = Cash Concentration/Disbursem*nt plus Addenda (CCD+)

BPR06 through BPR09 are not inserted by the taxpayer. They are on file with the party that creates the ACH Debit transaction. The taxpayer transmits empty fields for these elements. BPR06 506 X/Z (ODFI) ID Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “01” = ABA Transit Routing Number and

Check Digits. BPR07 507 X (ODFI) Identification Number AN 3 12 State’s Bank Routing and Transit Number BPR08 569 O/Z (ODFI) Account Number

Qualifier ID 1 3 “DA” = Demand Deposit

“SG” = Savings BPR09 508 X/Z (ODFI) Account Number AN 1 35 State’s Bank Account Number to be Credited BPR10 509 O Originating Company

I d t i f i AN 10 10 “7” followed by FEIN

BPR11 510 O Originating Company Supplemental Code

O 9 9 Florida agent = “BSWA”

BPR12 506 X/Z (RDFI) ID Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “01” = ABA Transit Routing Number BPR13 507 X (RDFI) Identification Number AN 9 9 Taxpayer’s Bank Routing and Transit Number BPR14 569 O/Z (RDFI) Account Number

Qualifier ID 2 2 “DA” = Demand Deposit

“SG” = Savings BPR15 508 X/Z (RDFI) Account Number AN 1 35 Taxpayer’s Bank Accounted to be Debited BPR16 373 O/Z Date DT 8 8 Settlement effective date (CCYYMMDD) BPR17 1048 O/Z Business Function Code ID 1 1 “TAX” = Tax Payment

BPR~E~999.99~D~ACH~CCD~~~~~7101010101~BSWA ~01~076401251~DA~11223344556677~20090520\

Syntax Notes: If either BPR06 or BPR07 is present, then the other is required. If BPR08 is present, then BPR09 is required. If either BPR12 or BPR13 is present, then the other is required. If BPR14 is present, then BPR15 is required.

FTA Notes: This segment should not be mandated by a taxing authority

ODFI (Originating Depository Financial Institution) is the bank that creates the ACH transaction. For debit transactions, this is the state’s Bank. RDFI (Receiving Depository Financial Institution) is the bank that accepts the ACH transaction. For debit transactions, this is the Taxpayer’s Bank.

FL Note: BPR segment not required with Filing Only transaction.

Name Detail Name Segment

Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “TP” = Primary Taxpayer

N102 93 X Name AN 1 35 Taxpayer Name

N1~TP~Johnny’s Petro\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required. FTA Note: N101: Use “TP” for tax reporting or “L9” for information reporting.

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General Contact Person Administrative Communications Contact Segment

Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

PER01 366 M Contact Function Code ID 2 2 Contact Type Code: “CN” = General Contact “EA” = EDI Coordinator

PER02 93 O Name AN 1 35 Contact Name

PER03 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “TE” = Telephone Number

PER04 364 X Communications Number AN 10 10 Voice Telephone Number

PER05 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “FX” = FAX Number

PER06 364 X Communications Number AN 10 10 FAX Telephone Number

PER07 365 X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 “EM” = Electronic Mail

PER08 364 X Communications Number AN 1 50 E-mail Address

PER~CN~Nick [emailprotected]\

Syntax Notes: If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required. If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required. If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.

FTA Note: None FL Note: The following segments are required if the mailing address is different than the physical address.

End of Transaction Set Header

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Transaction Set – Report Information

This TFS loop reports information on the type of report. Transaction detail is reported using the Summary and Schedule section of this map.

The TFS loop is repeated when reporting information for each report. Repeat the FGS loop within the TFS loop for each product reported.

Beginning of Report Tax Form Segment

Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T2” = Tax Form Code

TFS02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 6 SDR = Supplier/Distributor Report TOR = Terminal Operator

TFS03 and TFS04 are not used TFS05 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code (Used on TOR only) TFS06 67 X ID Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Control Number (TCN)

TFS~T2~SDR\ Syntax Notes: If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Note: TFS05 and TFS06 are only used on a terminal report. Condition 1 – If an account has no activity, this segment is required. The Condition 2 DTM and FGS are not used. No Activity Reference Number Segment

(Conditional) Pos. No. 0200

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

REF01 128 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “BE” = Business Activity REF02 127 X Name AN 1 1 “1” = No Activity

REF~BE~1\ Syntax Notes: REF02 is required. FTA Note: If an account has no activity, this segment is required.

Physical Inventory by Product Form Group Segment

(Conditional) Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 2 2 “BI” = Beginning Inventory (First Filing) “EI” = Ending Inventory

FGS02 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “PG” = Product Group FGS03 127 X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code - See Appendix

FGS~EI~PG~065\ Syntax Notes: If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required. FTA Note: FGS01 – Recommend BI only be used for first filing. Beginning inventory is the previous period’s ending inventory.

FGS01 – GL - TIA04 is Positive for a gain and negative for a loss.

Inventory Tax Information and Amount Segment

(Required if FGS is Used) Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information Number AN 4 4 “5002” = Net Physical Inventory TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 99999 - Implied Decimal Last digit is tenth (.1)

TIA05 C001 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 3 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5002~~~10000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required.

If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required. FTA Note: Physical Inventory is the only value passed. All other information is derivable from schedules.

End of FGS loop (Line item detail) End of TFS loop (detail)

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Summary Information

This TFS loop reports summary information. This TFS loop is used in combination with the SDR report.

Summary information is used when the information cannot be derived from the schedule details. This TFS loop repeats when one of the following values change: TFS02 Summary Code, TFS04 Product Code TFS06.

If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Summary Information TFS loop.

Beginning of Summary Information Tax Form Segment

Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T3” = Tax Schedule Code TFS02 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 TFS02 Summary Code

“S02” = Taxes (used for Penalty and/or Interest) “S03A” = Tax Credit (page 3, line 28)

TFS03 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “PG” = Product Group TFS04 127 X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code

See Product Codes in Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.

TFS05 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T2” = Tax Form Code “94” = Mode

TFS06 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 Report Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) or “CE” = Mode

TFS~T3~S02\ Syntax Notes: If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required.

If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: TFS02 references the report the summary is associated with.

If TFS05 = “94” then TFS06 = “CE”. IF TFS05 = “T2” then TFS06 = Report Code.

Summary Data Forms Group Segment

Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 1 1 “S” = Schedule Summary

FGS~S\ Syntax Notes: None FTA Notes: None Information Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5003” = Net Due for Credit Memo(s)

TIA02 782 X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Dollar Amount (999.99 – Explicit Decimal) TIA03 are not used. TIA04 380 X Quantity 1 15 Quantity (Not Used) TIA05 C001 355 X Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” – Gallons (Not Used)

TIA~5003~999.99\ Syntax Notes: At least one of TIA02 or TIA04 is required.

If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required.

FTA Notes: None

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Interest Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5008” = Interest

TIA02 782 X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Dollar Amount (999.99 – Explicit Decimal) TIA~5008~999.99\ Syntax Notes: TIA02 is required. FTA Notes: None

Penalty Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5009” = Penalty

TIA02 782 X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Dollar Amount (999.99 – Explicit Decimal) TIA~5009~999.99\ Syntax Notes: TIA02 is required.

FTA Notes: None End of FGS loop (Summary Data) End of TFS loop (Summary Information)

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Schedules This TFS loop begins the schedule detail. It repeats when one of the following values change:

Tax Form Code, Schedule Code, Mode Code Product Code, Origin, Position Holder, Seller, Consignor, Carrier, Buyer, Consignee or Destination.

If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Schedules TFS loop. You must indicate no activity in the TOR, SDR, CCR and/or other report type sections of this map. Beginning of Schedules Tax Form Segment

Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TFS01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “T3” = Tax Schedule Code TFS02 127 M Reference Identification AN 1 6 Schedule Type Code TFS03 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “PG” = Product Group TFS04 127 X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code TFS05 66 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 “94” = Mode TFS06 67 X Identification Code AN 2 2 Transaction Type Mode Code

TFS~T3~1A~PG~065~94~J \ Syntax Notes: If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required.

If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: None.

For Point of Origin/Terminal: (One of the following Options is Required) Use Option 1 when the origin has an IRS TCN. Use Option 2 when the origin does not have an IRS TCN. Use Option 3 when the state requires an origin facility ID.

Option 1 Point of Origin Name Segment 1

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “OT” = Origin Terminal N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Code (Code list is located at http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=1 80086,00.html )

N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2109\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required. FTA Notes: None

Option 2 Point of Origin Name Segment 1

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “SF” = Ship From

N102 93 X Name AN 2 2 Reference Appendix E ( Non-U.S. use “ZZ”.)

N1~SF~GA\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required. FTA Notes: None

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Option 3 Point of Origin Name Segment 1

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “WO” = Storage Facility at Origin N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “FA” = Facility Identification

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 DEP Facility Number N1~WO~~FA~479900123\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required. FTA Notes: None

Seller Information Name Segment 2

Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “SE” = Selling Party N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Seller’s FEIN

N1~SE~~24~516669999\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: N102, N103 and N104 are required.

Not used by Terminal Supplier - Position Holder Information or Delivering Exchange Party Information Position Holder Information or Delivering Exchange Party Information Name Segment 3

Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “ON” = Position Holder N102 is not used.

N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Position Holder’s FEIN

N1~CA~~24~656666666\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: N102, N103 and N104 are required.

Carrier Information Name Segment 6

Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “CA” = Carrier Name N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Carrier’s FEIN

N1~CA~~24~656666666\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: N102, N103 and N104 are required.

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Buyer/Consignee Information Name Segment 7

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “BY” = Buying Party (Purchaser/Consignee)

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “24” = FEIN

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 Purchaser’s FEIN

N1~BY~~24~657222222\ Syntax Notes: At least one of N102 or N103 is required.

If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: N102, N103 and N104 are required.

For Point (Address) of Delivery/Destination: (One of the following Options is Required)

Use Option 1 when the destination has an IRS TCN. Use Option 2 when the destination does not have an IRS TCN. Use Option 3 when the state requires a destination facility ID (currently used by the state of Florida).

Option 1

Point of Destination Name Segment 8

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “DT” = Destination Facility

N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “TC” = IRS Terminal Code

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Code (Code list is located at http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=1 80086,00.html )

N1~DT~~TC~T59FL2028\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required.

FTA Notes: None

Option 2

Point of Destination Name Segment 8

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “WD” = Destination Facility

N102 93 X Name AN 2 2 Reference Appendix E ( Non-U.S. use “ZZ”.) N1~ST~NC\ Syntax Notes: N102 is required.

FTA Notes: None

Option 3 Point of Destination Name Segment 8

(One of the three options is used) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 “WD” = Destination Facility N102 is not used. N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 “FA” = Facility Identification

N104 67 X Identification Code AN 9 9 DEP Facility Number N1~WD~~FA~239802345\ Syntax Notes: N103 and N104 are required.

FTA Notes: None

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This FGS loop begins the individual shipments within the TFS loop. It is repeated when one of the following values changes: Bill of Lading (Document) Number Bill of Lading Date (Date Shipped) Gallons/Liters.

Bill of Lading Date Forms Group Segment

Pos. No. 1000

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 1 1 “D” = Schedule Detail FGS02 128 X Group Control Number

ID 2 2 BM” = Bill of Lading Number FGS03 127 X AN 1 10 Bill of Lading Number

FGS~D~BM~00123456\ Syntax Notes: If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required. FTA Notes: None

Bill of Lading Date/Time Reference Segment

Pos. No. 1200

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 “095” = Bill of Lading Date

DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 Bill of Lading Date (CCYYMMDD) DTM~095~20090505\ Syntax Notes: DTM02 is required. FTA Notes: None

Bill of Lading Net Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 C037 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5005” = Net

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used. TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 99999 - Implied Decimal

Last digit is tenth (.1) TIA05 C001 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5005~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 and TIA05 are required. FTA Notes: Numbers should be reported as positive for both disbursem*nts and receipts.

Bill of Lading Gross (not used)

Bill of Lading Gross Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5006” = Gross

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity

TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons TIA~5007~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required. If TIA05 is present, then and TIA04 is required. FTA Notes: None

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Bill of Lading Billed (not used) Bill of Lading Billed

Tax Information and Amount Segment

Pos. No. 1800

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 “5007” = Gross

TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.

TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 99999 - Implied Decimal Last digit is tenth (.1)

TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 “GA” = Gallons

TIA~5007~~~8000~GA\ Syntax Notes: TIA04 is required. If TIA05 is present, then and TIA04 is required. FTA Notes: None

End of FGS loop for Individual shipments. End of TFS loop for Schedule.

Transaction Set - Trailer Description End of Transaction Set Trailer Segment

(Required) Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

SE01 96 M Number of Included Segments N0 1 10 Number of segments (inserted by translator)

SE02 329 M Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Determined by Filer (same value in ST02, SE~35~0003\

Syntax Notes: None

FTA Notes: None End of Transaction Set

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997 Functional Acknowledgment

Chapter 6 - 997 Functional Acknowledgment

ANSI ASC X12 – 997 EDI Standard

1 Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc. (DISA)

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997 EDI Map The 997 Functional Acknowledgment notifies the Information Provider that their EDI file was received. Translators create the 997 ACK when the translator processes an EDI file. This ACK is designed to pass back through the Information Provider/Transmitter’s translator to notify the Information Provider/Transmitter that the EDI file was accepted, accepted with errors or rejected. If the EDI file is rejected, the Information Provider/Transmitter must make corrections send a new EDI file.

Transaction Set - Header Description

Beginning of Transaction Set (Required) Pos. No. 0100

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

ST01 143 M Transaction Set Code ID 3 3 Transaction Set Type “997” ST02 329 M Transaction Set Control Number

AN 4 9 Translator defined (same value in SE02, unique control number)

Functional Group Response Header (Required) Pos. No. 0200

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK101 479 M/Z Transaction Set Identifier Code

ID 2 2 Functional ID found in the GS segment (GS01) of the functional group being acknowledged. TF = 813

AK102 28 M/Z Group Control Number

NO 1 9 Functional group control number found in the GS segment (GS02) of the functional group being acknowledged.

Transaction Set Response Header (Optional) Pos. No. 0300

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK201 143 M/Z Functional Identifier Code ID 3 3 Transaction set ID found in the ST segment (ST01) of the transaction set being acknowledged. 813

AK202 329 M/Z Transaction Set Control Number

AN 4 9 Transaction set control number found in the ST segment (ST01) of the transaction set being acknowledged.

Data Segment Note (Optional)

Pos. No. 0400 Element

ID Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK301 721 M Segment ID Code ID 2 3 Code defining the segment ID of the segment in error. See X12 guide for codes.

AK302 719 M Segment Position in Transaction Set

N0 1 6 The position of the segment counted from the transaction set header (ST). The transaction set header is 1.

AK303 447 O Loop Identifier Code AN 1 6 Loop ID number given on the transaction set diagram.

AK304 720 O Segment Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 1 = Unrecognized segment ID 2 = Unexpected segment 3 = Mandatory segment missing 4 = Loop occurs over maximum times 5 = Segment exceeds maximum use 6 = Segment not in defined transaction set 7 = Segment not in proper sequence 8 = Segment has data element errors

This segment defines segment syntax errors and the location of the segment. Refer to the X12 standards guide for further definition.

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997 Functional Acknowledgment

Data Element Note (Optional) Pos. No. 0500

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK401 C030 M Position in Segment Code indicating relative position of element in error. See X12 guide for further information.

AK401 C030 722 M Element Position in Segment N0 1 2 AK401 C030 1528 O Component Data Element Position

in Composite N0 1 2

AK401 C030 1686 O Repeating Data Element Position N0 1 4 AK402 725 O Data Element Reference Number N0 1 4 Reference number used to locate the element in the

Data Element Dictionary. AK403 723 M Data Element Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 1 = Mandatory data element missing.

2 = Conditional required data element missing. 3 = Too many data elements 4 = Data element too short 5 = Data element too long 6 = Invalid character in data element 7 = Invalid code value 8 = Invalid date 9 = Invalid time 10 = Exclusion condition violated 12 = Too many repetitions 13 = Too many components

AK404 724 O/Z Copy of Bad Data Element AN 1 99 A copy of the bad data element. This segment defines Element syntax errors and the location of the segment. Refer to the X12 standards guide for further definition.

Transaction Set Response Trailer (Required) Pos. No. 0600

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK501 717 M Transaction Set Acknowledgement Code

ID 1 1 A = Accepted E = Accepted but errors were noted M = Rejected, message authentication code failed R = Rejected W = Rejected, assurance failed validity tests X = Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed

AK502 718 O Transaction Set Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 1 = Transaction set not supported 2 = Transaction set trailer missing 3 = Transaction set control number in header and trailer do not match. 4 = Number of included segments does not match actual count 5 = One or more segments in error 6 = Missing or invalid transaction set identifier 7 = Missing or invalid transaction set control number 8 = Authentication key name unknown 9 = Encryption key name unknown 10 = Requested service (authentication or encryption) not available. 11 = Unknown security recipient 12 = Incorrect message length (encryption only) 13 = Message authentication code failed 15 = Unknown security originator 16 = Syntax error in decryption text 17 = Security not supported 23 = Transaction set control number not unique within the functional group. 24 = S3E security end segment missing for S3S security. 25 = S3S security start segment missing for S3E security. 26 = S4E security end segment missing for S4S security 27 = S4S security start segment missing for S4E security end segment.

AK503 718 O Transaction Set Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 AK504 718 O Transaction Set Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 AK505 718 O Transaction Set Syntax Error Code ID 1 3 AK506 718 O Transaction Set Syntax Error Code ID 1 3

This segment acknowledges acceptance or rejection and reports errors. Refer to the X12 standards guide for further definition.

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Functional Group Response Trailer (Required) Pos. No. 0700

Element ID

Elem Ref#

Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

AK901 715 M Functional Group Acknowledgement Code

ID 1 1 A = Accepted E = Accepted but errors were noted M = Rejected, message authentication code failed P = Partially Accepted, at least one transaction set was rejected R = Rejected W = Rejected, assurance failed validity tests X = Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed

AK902 97 M Number of Transaction Sets Included

N0 1 6 Number of Transaction Sets Included

AK903 123 M Number of Received Transaction Sets

N0 1 6 Number of Received Transaction Sets

AK904 2 M Number of Accepted Transaction Sets

N0 1 6 Number of Accepted Transaction Sets

AK905 716 O Functional Group Syntax Error Code

ID 1 3 1 = Functional group not supported 2 = Functional group version not supported 3 = Functional Group Trailer Missing 4 = Group control number in the functional group header and trailer do not agree. 5 = Number of included transaction sets does not match actual count. 6 = Group control number violates syntax 10 = Authentication key name unknown 11 = Encryption key name unknown 12 = Requested service (authentication or encryption) not available. 13 = Unknown security recipient 14 = Unknown security originator. 15 = Syntax error in decrypted text 16 = Security not supported 17 = Incorrect message length (encryption only) 18 = Message authentication code failed 23 = Transaction set control number not unique within the functional group. 24 = S3E security end segment missing for S3S security. 25 = S3S security start segment missing for S3E security. 26 = S4E security end segment missing for S4S security 27 = S4S security start segment missing for S4E security end segment.

AK906 716 O Functional Group Syntax Error Code

ID 1 3

AK907 716 O Functional Group Syntax Error Code

ID 1 3

AK908 716 O Functional Group Syntax Error Code

ID 1 3

AK509 716 O Functional Group Syntax Error Code

ID 1 3

This segment acknowledges acceptance or rejection of a functional group. Refer to the X12 standards guide for further definition.

Transaction Set - Trailer Description

End of Transaction Set (Required) Trailer Segment Pos. No. 0800

Element ID


Sub-Ele Ref#

Field Status

Field Name Field Type

Length Min Max

Field Description

SE01 96 96 M Number of Included Segments N0 1 10 Number of segments (inserted by translator) SE02 329 329 M Transaction Set Control

Number AN 4 9 Determined by Filer (same value in ST02, unique

control number) SE~6~100\

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Florida Functional Acknowledgement Overview

For each functional group of 813 Return Data transaction sets sent to Florida Department of Revenue, the Department will send one transaction set, the 997 functional Acknowledgement, back to the sender. The 997 defines whether the 813 transaction sets in the original functional group were accepted by the Florida Department of Revenue or if they were rejected due to errors.

1. Segment AK9 is used to indicate whether the functional group of 813 transaction sets that you sent to Florida Department of Revenue was accepted. If AK901 is equal to “A”, then the transmission was accepted. If AK901 is equal to “R”, then the transmission was rejected.

2. Segments AK2 through AK5 are used only if errors have been detected. These segments are used to indicate which 813 transaction set(s) is in error, and to indicate the data segments and/or data elements in error. If there are no errors, the AK2, AK3, AK4, and AK5 segments will not be used.

3. If a transaction set is rejected, AK201 will contain the transaction set identifier “813,” and AK202 will contain the unique transaction set control number. Note that these are the same two data values as in ST01 and ST02 for the transaction set. The corresponding AK501 will contain “A” if the transaction set has been accepted, and will contain “R” if the transaction set is rejected. If there are multiple 813 transaction sets in the functional group, such as a supplier return and two terminal operator reports, the AK2/AK5 loop data will indicate whether each transaction set is accepted or rejected. Note that a transaction set may be rejected even though another transaction set in the same functional group is accepted.

4. If the transaction set is rejected due to syntax errors, Florida Department of Revenue will send a rejected 997. The error(s) must be corrected and the entire transmission re-sent.

5. If the return passes the 997 acknowledgement phase but does not correctly identify the user (invalid FEIN and/or license number), the 813 will be rejected. If this occurs, Florida Department of Revenue will contact your company by phone or email to advise you of the error(s) and your company will be required to resubmit the 813. Remember, all 813’s that are required to be resubmitted must be coded with data element BTI13 equal to “00” as an original filing. If there are other errors in the return, such as math errors or out of period shipments, the Department will contact your company by notice, phone or email to advise you of the error(s) and require you to submit an amended return.

6. Do not acknowledge the 997 Functional Acknowledgment!

Below is an example of a 997 ACK.

The file you receive will be a continuous stream of data; no carriage returns or line feeds.

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*FL0096 *32*132942178 *080416*1118*<*00403*000000001*0*P*>~ GS*FA*FL0096*132942178*20080416*1118*1*X*004030~ ST*997*0001~ AK1*TF*000000031~ AK2*813*9631~ AK5*A~ ( the value shown here signifies that this submission was accepted ) AK9*A*1*1*1~ SE*6*0001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~

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Appendix A – Florida Schedules


See the FTA Motor Fuels Uniformity Manual for additional details on schedules. Schedules of Receipts

Schedule 1 Gallons received tax paid

1A Gallons received - Florida tax -paid

Schedule 2 Gallons received from fuel licensee tax unpaid

2A Gallons received from licensed supplier- Florida tax -unpaid (exchange) 2B Total product received or Blended – Florida tax unpaid

Schedule 3 Gallons imported from another state direct to customer

3A Gallons imported direct to customer – Florida tax - unpaid 3B Gallons imported by bulk transfer into tax-free storage

Schedules of Disbursem*nts

Schedule 5 Gallons delivered tax collected

5A Diesel gallons delivered – all taxes collected (state and local) 5B Gallons delivered – Florida state tax only collected (gasoline & aviation) 5HW Gallons of aviation fuel converted for highway use 5LO Gallons of gasoline/gasohol delivered to retail location and end users

Schedule 6 Gallons delivered to fuel licensee – tax not collected

6A Gallons delivered to licensed dealers – Florida tax unpaid (exchanges/sales above rack) 6B Gallons delivered – Florida tax unpaid (dyed diesel only) 6C Gallons delivered – Tax collected by supplier for another state

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Appendix A – Florida Schedules

Schedule 7 Gallons exported

7A Gallons exported by other than bulk transfer – Florida tax paid 7B Gallons exported by supplier – tax self-accrued by supplier for another state 7C Gallons delivered/placed into bonded storage (aviation fuel only) 7D Gallons exported by supplier through bulk transfer

Schedule 8 Gallons delivered to US Government – tax exempt

8 Gallons delivered to U.S. government – tax exempt (500 gallons or greater)

Schedule 10 Gallons delivered to other tax exempt entities

10 Gallons of undyed diesel/jet fuel delivered to other tax-exempt entities

Schedule 13 Schedule of Credits and Refunds

13F Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) bad debt credit schedule for reporting gallons delivered to

EFT wholesalers

Schedule 15 Terminal Operator Report

15A Schedule of Receipts 15B Schedule of Disbursem*nts

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Appendix B - Florida Product Codes Florida Product Codes

Product Code Description

065 Gasoline 072 Dyed Kerosene 124 Gasohol 125 Aviation Gasoline 130 Jet Fuel 142 Undyed Kerosene 167 Undyed Diesel 224 Compressed natural gas/propane 226 High Sulfur Dyed Diesel Fuel

227 Low Sulfur Dyed Diesel Fuel B00 Undyed Biodiesel – (B100) D00 Dyed Biodiesel (B100) E00 Ethanol

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Appendix C - Summary Codes / TIA Codes

Summary Code and TIA Code Usage

Summary and TIA codes are used for the following purposes (See complete list of codes below.): 813 Map

1. Header – TIA code 5000 defines the version/publication number of the taxing authority’s EC Implementation Guide. TIA code 5001 (Total Net Reported) is a check value for determining if all information is included in the EDI file.

2. TOR – Terminal Operator Report or SDR - Supplier/Distributor Report - TIA code 5002 (Physical Inventory) is used to report Ending and/or Beginning Inventory.

3. SDR – Supplier/Distributor Report – Use TIA code 5003 (Total Due) if using Net Due for Credit Memos(s). Use Dollar Amount (999.99 Explicit Decimal) for Monetary Amount.

4. CCR – Common Carrier Report – TIA code 5004 (Total Net Transported) is a check value used to acknowledge and validate the report.

5. SUM - Summary Code and TIA codes are used for identifying information not found in schedules or able to be derived from the schedules. The SUM loop provides a looping structure allowing multiple TIAs in a uniform format.

6. Schedules – TIA 5005 (Net), 5006 (Gross) and 5007 (Billed) are used to report bill of lading volume details or further define summary detail.

7. Summary codes are defined and utilized for both quantity and money. The TIA segment of the summary has elements for both quantity and monetary values.

Florida Summary Codes

S02 Taxes / Fees S02A Tax

S03 Credit

S03A Tax Credit

FTA Uniformity TIA Codes The data represented by these TIA codes is not derivable from schedules or represents a check value. 5000 Version of taxing authority’s implementation guide Header 5001 Total Net Reported Header 5002 Net Physical Inventory TOR, SDR 5003 Total Due SDR 5004 Total Net Transported CCR 5005 Net SCH, SUM 5006 Gross SCH, SUM 5007 Billed SCH, SUM 5008 Interest SUM 5009 Penalty SUM 5010 Confidential Information Header 5011-5199 Not used

Note: Use TIA code 5003 (Total Due) if using Net Due for Credit Memos(s). Use Dollar Amount (999.99 Explicit Decimal) for Monetary Amount.

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Appendix D - Transaction Type Modes Codes

Transaction Type Mode Codes Code Description

J_ Truck R_ Rail B_ Barge S_ Ship PL Pipeline GS Gas Station BA Book Adjustment ST Stationary Transfer CE Summary Information RT Removal from Terminal (other than by truck or Rail) for sale or consumption

The ‘_’ in the code table represent a space. The X12 standard requires 2 characters in the field using this code.

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Appendix E - US State, Province/ Territory Abbreviations and County Codes

US State Name and Abbreviation

State Name Abbreviation State Name Abbreviation State Name Abbreviation Alabama AL Kentucky KY North Dakota ND Alaska AK Louisiana LA Ohio OH Arizona AZ Maine ME Oklahoma OK Arkansas AR Maryland MD Oregon OR California CA Massachusetts MA Pennsylvania PA Colorado CO Michigan MI Rhode Island RI Connecticut CT Minnesota MN South Carolina SC Delaware DE Mississippi MS South Dakota SD District of Columbia DC Missouri MO Tennessee TN Florida FL Montana MT Texas TX Georgia GA Nebraska NE Utah UT Hawaii HI Nevada NV Vermont VT Idaho ID New Hampshire NH Virginia VA Illinois IL New Jersey NJ Washington WA Indiana IN New Mexico NM West Virginia WV Iowa IA New York NY Wisconsin WI Kansas KS North Carolina NC Wyoming WY Non-US Points ZZ

Florida County Code List County code County name County code County name County code County name

01 Alachua 24 Hamilton 47 Okeechobee 002 Baker 25 Hardee 48 Orange 03 Bay 26 Hendry 49 Osceola 04 Bradford 27 Hernando 50 Palm Beach 05 Brevard 28 Highlands 51 Pasco 06 Broward 29 Hillsborough 52 Pinellas 07 Calhoun 30 Holmes 53 Polk 08 Charlotte 31 Indian River 54 Putnam 09 Citrus 32 Jackson 55 Saint Johns 10 Clay 33 Jefferson 56 Saint Lucie 11 Collier 34 Lafayette 57 Santa Rosa 12 Columbia 35 Lake 58 Sarasota 13 Miami-Dade 36 Lee 59 Seminole 14 De Soto 37 Leon 60 Sumter 15 Dixie 38 Levy 61 Suwannee 16 Duval 39 Liberty 62 Taylor 17 Escambia 40 Madison 63 Union 18 Flagler 41 Manatee 64 Volusia 19 Franklin 42 Marion 65 Wakulla 20 Gadsden 43 Martin 66 Walton 21 Gilchrist 44 Monroe 67 Washington 22 Glades 45 Nassau 23 Gulf 46 Okaloosa

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Appendix F - Software Edits

EDI Edits

1. Freeze all data after each transmission to ensure a proper audit trail. Do not allow transmitted data to be altered.

2. ISA15 data element field in the interchange control header segment determines the test/production status

of the transmission. If the ISA15 is set to a “T”, then the 813 will be considered test data and if it is set to “P” then it will be considered production.

3. The value used in BTI12 will be “FLTRUEX12”

Appendix G - Return and Schedule Formatting Requirements The Florida Department of Revenue has previously published instructions for completing the following forms and supporting schedules:

Form DR-309636 - Terminal Operator Information Return Form DR-309636N - Instructions for Filing Terminal Operator Information Return

Form DR-309631 - Terminal Supplier Fuel Tax Return Form DR-309631N - Instructions for Filing Terminal Supplier Fuel Tax Return

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Appendix H - Sample and Example EDI Files Operator EDI File

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~590000036 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~070518~1045~|~00403~000000036~0~T~^\ GS~TF~590000036~8504145792~20070518~1045~000000036~X~004030\ ST~813~9636~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20070518~~24~590000036~~~SV~ FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20070531\ N1~TP~TEST59036\ PER~CN~Nick [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~TOR~~~TC~T65FL2037\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~12550~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~12340~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~12050~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~12840~GA\ TFS~T3~S02\ FGS~S\ TIA~5009~999.99\ TFS~T3~15A~PG~065~94~B \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2128\ N1~ON~~24~659999911\ N1~CA~~24~596644444\ N1~DT~~TC~T59FL2988\ FGS~D~BM~222221\ DTM~095~20070511\ TIA~5005~~~1000~GA\ TFS~T3~15B~PG~065~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2988\ N1~ON~~24~659999911\ N1~CA~~24~594444444\ N1~WD~~FA~238599999\ FGS~D~BM~442221\ DTM~095~20070520\ TIA~5005~~~22100~GA\ SE~33~9636\ GE~1~000000036\ IEA~1~000000036\

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Supplier EDI File

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~590000031 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~070518~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~590000031~8504145792~20170518~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20170518~~24~590000031~~~SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20070531\ REF~9V~3\.........Audit Payment REF~X9~123456789\......Audit Control Number BPR~E~999.99~D~ACH~CCD~~~~~7101010101~BSWA~01~076401251~DA~11223344556677~20170520\ N1~TP~TEST59031\ PER~CN~Nick [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~12550~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~12340~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~550~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~340~GA\ TFS~T3~S02\ FGS~S\ TIA~5008~999.99\ TIA~5009~999.99\ TFS~T3~S03A\ FGS~S\ TIA~5003~999.99\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~065~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2988\ N1~SE~~24~659999911\ N1~CA~~24~594444444\ N1~WD~~FA~238599999\ FGS~D~BM~222221\ DTM~095~20070511\ TIA~5005~~~1000~GA\ TFS~T3~5A~PG~065~94~J \ N1~WO~~FA~239512988\ N1~CA~~24~594444444\ N1~BY~~24~659999911\ N1~WD~~FA~238599999\ FGS~D~BM~442221\ DTM~095~20070520\ TIA~5005~~~22100~GA\ SE~41~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\

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Florida Specific EDI sample files and TFS and FGS Looping Structure

Supplier File and/or Pay transaction type (File and Pay, File only, Payment only)

Supplier File and Pay

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~364444444 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~080501~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~364444444~8504145792~20080501~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20080501~~24~364444444~~~SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20071231\ REF~9V~1\.......Tax Payment BPR~E~999.99~D~ACH~CCD~~~~~7101010101~BSWA~01~076444444~DA~11223344556677~20080520\ N1~TP~PayFile\ [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~688~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1771~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~651~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1671~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~065~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ N1~SE~~24~259999999\ N1~CA~~24~364444444\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~2222065\ DTM~095~20071211\ TIA~5005~~~1065~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~124~94~R \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ N1~SE~~24~259999999\ N1~CA~~24~364444444\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~2222124\ DTM~095~20071211\ TIA~5005~~~1124~GA\ TFS~T3~5A~PG~167~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2106\ N1~CA~~24~599999999\ N1~BY~~24~659999999\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~4422167\ DTM~095~20071220\ TIA~5005~~~221167~GA\ SE~41~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\

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Supplier Filing Only

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~364444444 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~080501~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~364444444~8504145792~20080501~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20080501~~24~364444444~~~SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20071231\ N1~TP~FileOnly\ [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~688~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1771~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~651~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1671~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~065~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ N1~SE~~24~259999999\ N1~CA~~24~364444444\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~2222065\ DTM~095~20071211\ TIA~5005~~~1065~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~124~94~R \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ N1~SE~~24~259999999\ N1~CA~~24~364444444\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~2222124\ DTM~095~20071211\ TIA~5005~~~1124~GA\ TFS~T3~5A~PG~167~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2106\ N1~CA~~24~599999999\ N1~BY~~24~659999999\ N1~WD~~FA~169992449\ FGS~D~BM~4422167\ DTM~095~20071220\ TIA~5005~~~221167~GA\ SE~39~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\

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Supplier Payment Only

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~364444444 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~080501~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~364444444~8504145792~20080501~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20080501~~24~364444444~~~SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20071231\ REF~9V~1\ BPR~D~999.99~D~ACH~CCD~~~~~7101010101~BSWA~01~076444444~DA~11223344556677~20080520\ N1~TP~PayOnly\ [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~0~GA\ SE~11~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\

Supplier No Activity Filing

ISA~00~ ~00~~32~364444444~ZZ~FL0096 ~080501~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~364444444~8504145792~20080501~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20080501~~24~364444444~~~ SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20080430\ N1~TP~NoActivity\ PER~CN~Savvy [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ REF~BE~1\ ( values of REF line signify that this is a “No Activity” filing ) FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~00~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~00~GA\ SE~12~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\ Notes: All “No Activity” filings must contain “REF~BE~1\“ or the submission will fail. Be sure to increment your Interchange Control Number in ISA line and IEA line with each submission. The ISA line and IEA Interchange Control Number must match.

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TFS and FGS Looping Structure Florida Department of Revenue requests that you utilize the correct Schedule TFS and FGS looping structure whenever possible. This will reduce the number of segments that you need to create and we need to translate. This will apply to both the Terminal Supplier and Terminal Operator output. Please refer to page 23 for efficient segment looping instructions.

ISA~00~ ~00~ ~32~362440313 ~ZZ~FL0096 ~080411~1045~|~00403~000000031~0~T~^\ GS~TF~362440313~8504145792~20080411~1045~000000031~X~004030\ ST~813~9631~20071\ BTI~T6~050~47~FLDOR~20080411~~24~362440313~~~ SV~FLTRUEX12~00\ DTM~194~20080331\ N1~TP~Looping Structure\ [emailprotected]\ TFS~T2~SDR\ FGS~BI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~655~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1675~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~226\ TIA~5002~~~2265~GA\ FGS~BI~PG~125\ TIA~5002~~~1255~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~065\ TIA~5002~~~651~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~167\ TIA~5002~~~1671~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~226\ TIA~5002~~~2261~GA\ FGS~EI~PG~125\ TIA~5002~~~1251~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~065~94~J \ ( First TFS schedule segment ) N1~OT~~TC~T58GA2502\ N1~SE~~24~250527925\ N1~CA~~24~362440313\ N1~DT~~TC~T59FL2104\ FGS~D~BM~22221524\ DTM~095~20080311\ TIA~5005~~~1000~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221525\ DTM~095~20080315\ TIA~5005~~~1100~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221530\ DTM~095~20080317\ TIA~5005~~~1130~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221567\ DTM~095~20080321\ TIA~5005~~~1670~GA\ TFS~T3~1A~PG~125~94~J \ ( Product type changed ) N1~OT~~TC~T58GA2502\ N1~SE~~24~250527925\ N1~CA~~24~362440313\ N1~DT~~TC~T59FL2104\ FGS~D~BM~22220165\

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DTM~095~20080312\ TIA~5005~~~21065~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221124\ DTM~095~20080314\ TIA~5005~~~21004~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221125\ DTM~095~20080315\ TIA~5005~~~21125~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221130\ DTM~095~20080321\ TIA~5005~~~21130~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221167\ DTM~095~20080321\ TIA~5005~~~21167~GA\ TFS~T3~5A~PG~65~94~J \ ( Schedule type changed ) N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ ( Origin IRS Terminal code changed ) N1~SE~~24~250527925\ N1~CA~~24~362440313\ N1~WD~~FA~679803128\ ( Destination changed ) FGS~D~BM~22220365\ DTM~095~20080312\ TIA~5005~~~31065~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221324\ DTM~095~20080314\ TIA~5005~~~31124~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221325\ DTM~095~20080315\ TIA~5005~~~31125~GA\ TFS~T3~5A~PG~65~94~J \ N1~OT~~TC~T59FL2104\ N1~SE~~24~250527925\ N1~CA~~24~362440313\ N1~DT~~DT~T59FL2116\ ( Destination changed ) FGS~D~BM~2222068\ DTM~095~20080312\ TIA~5005~~~41065~GA\ FGS~D~BM~2222129\ DTM~095~20080314\ TIA~5005~~~41124~GA\ FGS~D~BM~22221325\ DTM~095~20080315\ TIA~5005~~~41125~GA\ SE~88~9631\ GE~1~000000031\ IEA~1~000000031\

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Appendix I - SecureNet Instructions You may access the SecureNet system from: http://floridarevenue.com/dor/eservices/filepay.html. Look for the heading “Upload a File Using SecureNet,” then select Fuel Tax – Terminal Operator and Terminal Supplier. You will navigate to the BSWA SecureNet Welcome page shown below.

Login Select the MyFlorida box ICON Enter your UserID and Password then Select ‘Login’

Setting up a new account

Select the MyFlorida box ICON Select ‘New User’

Enter the UserId you want, and contact information and select ‘Submit to Enroll’.

Use the UserId you entered for registration and the temporary Password emailed to you. Login, then update your Password to what you want long term.

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Upload process

Once logged into SecureNet

From Home page activity ribbon area select ‘SendFile’ Select Fuel (terminal operators & suppliers)

Select Production or Test Only

Browse and select your file from your system or PC then select ‘Upload file’

The ‘Send a File is Complete’ page display automatically when a file is uploaded, indicating your file is queued for the translator process. Note trace number.

Courtesy trace number email is sent

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Accessing Manifests & Other Features

Courtesy email is sent directing you to get your manifest if no formatting errors are encountered.

Now Login to SecureNet

From Home page activity ribbon area, select ‘ReceiveFile’ Select your file to download, and a pop-up opens for save/open options

Text manifest example

CSV manifest example

Note: All submissions that receive a manifest with a confirmation number will have a return PDF produced which are available after 5:00 PM ET, the same day the manifest is provided.

Additional functions provided by the SecureNet system Select ‘ViewLog’ to see all files you have uploaded View Only, No drill down access from this page

Select ‘Maintenance’ for self-updates whenever needed

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Florida Dept. of Revenue - Florida Dept. of Revenue · 1-1 . Table of Contents . Chapter 1 - Introduction . Purpose……………...………………………………………………………..….. - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.